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  • 售價: $174
  • 全館消費每100元贈2元回饋金



English name: Apricot Oil

Source: Rambling rose section

Scientific term: Prunoideae

Color:I am yellow to go to orange red

Main composition:Carbohydrate.Natural fiber.Vitamin A.Vitamin B1.Vitamin.B2.Niacin.Vitamin C.Calcium.Lin.Iron.Sodium.Potassium

Main habitat:French the south


Almond peach(Apricot)'s belonging to the rambling rose section(Rose Family) Latin scientific term is(Rosaceae), many main fruits all belong to this section, as Lee, almond, peach, cherry peach, apple, pear, loquat, strawberry etc..It the second section Latin scientific term is a Prunoideae, also all belonging to with plum same second belong to, its Latin scientific term is Prunophora.

Have in the United States 3- 10 kinds of second belong to Prunophora.The other categories of leavings is similar to P very much. Armeniaca all by aim at the change of species, in the whole world these by aim at the change of the almonds peaches reach a commercial species also not much, they also almost from the P. The armeniaca species turns into and come of, the talented person who has many specieses to also be only limited by district of growing that species knows, in that district outside of people's having a lot of roots all don't know.

The almond peach fruit tree plants a kind all to plant by the almond peach seed of, currently in the world the almond peaches of some nations fruit trees still in 19 centuries is at that time grown up by almond peach seed up to now.