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  • 售價: $640
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一、Introduction :

Chinese name: Jade arethusa

English name: White champak, White Michelia, White orchid tree

Nickname: Magnolia flower, wood R.O.C., white arethusa

Scientific term: Michelia alba DC.

Section:The wood Lan section(Magnoliaceae)

At first habitat: Mainland China, India, Java.


For often green medium tall tree, delicate light green color, there are many flosses, the leaf gets with each other, often oval, whole good luck, the leaf vein network is close, leaf's form is smooth, the Ge quality, have the Tuo the leaf, have pure fragrance flavor, spend a list to was born in leaf Yi, the flower bud is had the green Bao slice, the assortment is pure, the flower petal grows to cover with the needle form, the flower petal is 8 slices, enriching flavor, prosperous flower period at 4~ September, the fruit meat quality, there are more than 2 seeds.

Caulis: Belong to green medium tall tree often, high bout 6 meters, caulis grey color, there is white spot.

Leaf: The leaf's oval form covers with the needle form or long oval, carrying first to have a point gradually, growing 16-30 cm, the quality is thick to have sheen.

Flower:Spending the list was born in leaf vein, the flower bud covers with the Bao slice of having the green, the Bao slice while blooming shed off, there are white and yellow two floriculture colorses, there is strong aroma, spend period during 4-7 months.

Fruit: The fruit meat quality, there are 2 or more seed, the back spilts open

Characteristic: Belong to the wood Lan section green tall tree often, the leaf vein network is close, having pure fragrance flavor, after putrefiedly, going to mesophyll can be a leaf the form book-mark jewel rather unique, spend pure and fragrant, the subtle fragrance comes into nostrils, can refine fragrance extract.

The medicine uses:Flower in summer, the autumn is just budding adopt to accept, fresh use or dry in the sun a back up.

1.Suffer a sunstroke dizzy chest stuffy:White arethusa 5- 7, tea-leaf is few, the boiled water bubble takes.

2.Bronchitis:White arethusa 5- 7, the water is fried, adjusting honey to take.

3.The impatient Bi urines a department infection:White arethusa leaf 12, the water fries, sooner or later a


Make use of the existence of the melanin depressant of the magnolia flower certificate volatility to explain the magnolia flower again after the vacuum calm down place for 5 minutes, flower petal up in the air 5~ presents immediately in 30 minutes brown turn, but haven't yet vacuum to sample of sample after 3 hours not yet brown turn.

Air Vacuum

0 min

Air exposed time, (min)

5 min

30 min

100 min

200 min

Compare the magnolia flower didn't take out vacuum and take out under the vacuum condition it is brown to turn situation.Making use of the dry machine of vacuum takes out the volatility melanin depressant that the magnolia spends in addition to.The magnolia flower hasn't yet vacuum dry have no brown turn of phenomenon, once through the vacuum aridity after handling, the magnolia flower is rapid brown turn to become black.

Compare the magnolia flower didn't take out vacuum and take out under the vacuum condition it is brown to turn situation.Making use of the dry machine of vacuum takes out the volatility melanin depressant that the magnolia spends in addition to.The magnolia flower hasn't yet vacuum dry have no brown turn of phenomenon, once through the vacuum aridity after handling, the magnolia flower is rapid brown turn to become black.

The existence made use of a bio-chemical reaction a certificate the melanin depressant is in the magnolia flower

Explains first depressant's extracting can make use of centricon to separate in advance, in extract the process because the magnolia flower

Live polyphenol oxidase is very strong, extracting a liquid to become the melanin body immediately, its melanin body molecular weight can't wear biggest(>5 kDas) deeply a 5 kDas to permeate a film(membrane), but the depressant is a small numerator can through permeate a film.

All the quality extracts brown change to respond to present the numerator Shai to have small numerator immediately inside get the part of the melanin depressant(the PPO inhibitor)

Making use of the centricon extracts magnolia to spend small numerator depressant.The method that makes use of the numerator Shai uses small in the centricon with 5 kDas

Leaving small numerator depressant the heart comes down.The Centricon upper level has on permeating a film, permit molecular weight only small pass in the numerator with 5 kDas, the 3000 rpms leaves heart for 2 hours, collect centricon to descend the tube liquid for have molecular weight small in the 5 kDas of the depressant extract a liquid.

Illustrating with example the plant melanin is been black by the polyphenol(PP) through the polyphenol oxidase(PPO) catalyst formation

The dye body(quinones) and present brown Browning reaction also.But the melanin formation in invivo is more more complicated than this equation, can make use of this way to test PPO to oxidize Its activity.

The PPO reaction machine turns.Become a deeply brown outcome from the achromatic substrate(catechol) conversion in the reaction

(Quinones). Can detect a quinones the absorption light increment value while therefore doing PPO to oxidize respond to measure enzyme activity

Proving the magnolia flower extracts of in order to exist in the small numerator in the flower petal, melanin depressant and prove it represses to oxidize

Result and its dosage presents a direct proportion relation.

Illustrating with example the plant melanin is been black by the polyphenol(PP) through the polyphenol oxidase(PPO) catalyst formation

The dye body(quinones) and present brown Browning reaction also.But the melanin formation in invivo is more more complicated than this equation, can make use of this way to test PPO to oxidize Its activity.

The PPO reaction machine turns.Become a deeply brown outcome from the achromatic substrate(catechol) conversion in the reaction

(Quinones). Can detect a quinones the absorption light increment value while therefore doing PPO to oxidize respond to measure enzyme activity.

Proving the magnolia flower extracts of in order to exist in the small numerator in the flower petal, melanin depressant and prove it represses to oxidize Result and its dosage presents a direct proportion relation.

The flower petal of the magnolia flower inside exist the PPO depressant of the small numerator.The small numerator depressant that the dissimilarity measure to be extracted with centricon(0, 5, 10, 20 μ ls) join PPO with the magnolia flower to oxidize Of extract a liquid(the 2.5 mM catechol aqua 250 substrate of the μ ls) to win.This experiment is tested with the ELISA plate, the small numerator that join the Centricon separation extracts a liquid to be depressant, the detection has the dosage effect to the activity of the magnolia flower PPO to repress result.

Make use of the depressant volatility of enzyme reaction certificate melanin

Place the magnolia flower first the liquid funnel of the cent in, collections the melanin depressant of the volatility, compare again depressant in the air

Win to vaporize in front and back it to repress result.

The magnolia flower volatility represses numerator to extract.The magnolia flower fill to divide in to seal completely to heat(60 ) in the liquid funnel of method with promote PPO activity, oxidize to consume go to inside the substrates of the born nature, also make the volatility depressant vaporize the magnolia flower, further collect PPO depressant completely.A. Haven't yet put to go into 60 water a bath the magnolia flower of the slot for a beginning.B. For putting to respond into the water bath slot 1.5 after hour of magnolia flower.C. For putting to respond magnolia to spend for 3 hours into the water bath slot.Fill the magnolia flower to the liquid funnel of the cent in seal completely to place to heat(60 ) in the water bath slot, three after hour will divide into the liquid funnel to place in ice congealed.Wash wall inside the liquid funnel of the cent by a little amount ddH 2 Os and use again just the right amount 100% alcohols wall in 37 tiny the bottom clean after taking out a congealed liquid.Collecting the alcohol cleans a liquid, can immediately get the magnolia flower volatility depressant to extract a liquid.

Its melanin depressant has already not had result of repress after vaporizing

Its melanin depressant does a test of repressing the result, and hasn't yet to vaporize after vaporizing of the melanin depressant repress an effect

The fruit compares.

The melanin depressant vaporized and hadn't yet to vaporize represses a result comparison to the magnolia flower PPO.A.By figure 7 obtain of haven't yet depressant of vaporizing the processing, depend on different amount of(0, 10, 15, 20 μ ls) to spend PPO an activity to the magnolia of repress a result comparison.Different amount of(0, 10, 15, 20 μ ls) through the depressant of the vacuum aridity processing, to the magnolia flower PPO activity of repress a result comparison.

The non- volatility influence of the depressant upon the PPO activity

It because the NaCl can repress the PPO activity, the NaCl with 500 mMs can cause to suppress ly to the apple activity

System result.

The influence of the NaCl upon the PPO activity.This experiment uses the test(mM) that the apple PPO carries on a different NaCl density, PPO

Enzyme by extract in (NH4)2 SO4s protein for precipitating, make use of the examination that catechol(10 mMs) goes forward to go NaCl to repress to the PPO activity in the ELISA plate for the substrate.

The magnolia flower PPO enzyme and the other plant PPO enzyme of opposite comparison

Measure a different plant thick extract the content and activity of the PPO in liquid, absorb the light value more high indicate its PPO of the quantity is more many

Or the activity is more big.The content and activity of the magnolia flower PPO is the most high in these plants.The well worth mentioning is only this experiment to represent the PPO of these plants and can use enzyme dynamics method measurement, can't represent a real enzyme activity.

Eacher kind of activity and the content of the plant PPO.Each plant with (W/V) is in the phosphate buffer(0.01 Ms), all after the quality Be measuresing the period activity, all PPOs oxidize Haven't yet to turn purely, measurese a method and figure 9 homologies;This diagram oxidizes The activity doesn't represent each kind of plant per-unit to oxidize Its real activity, because of DOing not represent the value of the real Km in this PPO, but generally speaking it oxidizes To the Km of the catechol about with 2-36 mMs.

The Km of the magnolia flower PPO is worth for the 5.8 Mms

We define the magnolia flower PPO to be worth for the 5.8 mMs to the catechol Km from the Lineweaver-Burk plots,

The Vmax is 39.6 μ M/mins.Know with now already plant of PPO to catechol activity the most strong and weakest plant compare(Km1.2 ands 36 mMs;The Nicotiana tabacum and Prunus persica), the PPO activity of the magnolia flower belongs to a higher.

The magnolia spends the enzyme dynamics curve of the PPO.The magnolia that takes out 5 μ ls spends a thick Cui thing, joining again the catechol aqua of the different density, same physical volume, can beg the Lineweaver-Burk plots of the magnolia flower PPO, and beg its Km=5.8 mMs,

Vmax=0.03957 ODs/Min.

The importance and the clinical application of the volatility melanin depressant

PPO extract : + + +

Evaporated inhibitor: 0 ul

PPO extract : +

Original inhibitor : 10 15 20

The volatility depressant represses result.BE examined the PPO activity and depressant to repress result quickly by the catechol paper, find the result that didn't vaporize depressant to have to repress the PPO activity obviously, so if can keep humidity to separate the air and the depressant contact, reduce depressant to vaporize, in the future at cosmetics fair industry up, the natural PPO depressant can not fail to become an important role.

三、The application of the hairdressing

The volatility oxidizes Depressant why actually thing

The depressant of this volatility should be have something to do with having the organic small numerator of the benzene wreath, descend to list in the form in common use at present of oxidize Depressant chemistry thing:

Chemistry type

4 hexylresorcinol

N acetylcysteine

Ascorbic acid

Isoascorbic acid



Potassium sobic acid

Kojic acid

The relation of this research and mankind the skin melanin formation

The PPO of two kinds of depressants and the magnolia flower  haven't yet and vaporized processing through the vacuum aridity is thick to extract the liquid mixture, ordering on the catechol-paper, through the back of the processing of the vacuum aridity of depressant already the wrong PPO have result of repress, and with the wine pick with take of the depressant then then has to the PPO activity to repress result(the figure 12 As) very strongly.This tests a further confimation:The processing of the vacuum aridity explained, also taking out its volatility PPO depressant to walk while being the magnolia flower to take out vacuum, hence accelerating PPO brown change reaction.

BE identified the magnolia flower by the above experiment to have live depressant inside the PPO of the born nature, and this depressant have the characteristic of the volatility.The existence of the water can impede big part of the oxygen and PPO contact impede the volatility depressant to vaporize in the meantime, this two resultses all can reduce brown change the velocity of the reaction.The vacuum aridity is rapid of take out the volatility depressant to walk, imitate a dry type the condition of the person or elder the skin crone of the skin, the skin has the formation of the black spot or elder's spot easily.Its reason also waits for together the skin depressant is vaporized, urge the tyrosinase activity to present, urge the formation of the melanin.Therefore, if want to keep a skin of fair, hydration of the skin is count for much, preventing the born nature tyrosinase depressant inside the human body be not vaporize(the figure 12 Bs) quickly; On the other hand, if the ability is further and increase the tyrosinase depressant and will contribute to maintaining fairly in the cosmetics.

一、,the magnolia flower wither away with the relation of the volatility depressant:

When the magnolia flower blossom is still on the tree, the blossom can acquire a tree to provide depressant continuously, keeping on complement to vaporize to spread of depressant, so cause brown change of enzyme PPO activity then repress.The past magnolia blossom can keep pure and fresh and gorgeous with long hours, once the blossom leaves a tree lose the tree body of inside the born nature depressant supply, existing gradual Yi of the volatility depressant in the blossom to lose in the meantime almost, the PPO activity presents, urging brown change reaction, so the blossom becomes brown then and quickly, again become black.

Confirmed the magnolia flower to have inside the depressant existence of getting the volatility from this result for testing, and we use a simple way the ability part turns to collect this PPO depressant purely, letting to is brown to change to the flower, vegetable and fruit and the skin become to defend system blackly ability further research.

二、 the possibility of the volatility depressant is applied:

Once the fresh flowers becomes black lost its impressions to cause the market economy value reduce to disappear even namely;The fruit adopts to accept behind in several days, the fruit peel will lose an originally fresh and gorgeous color and turn into brown quickly, and the eating become bad, also reduce its economy value.Therefore on the flower, farm production, brown change a problem and has been being all important problem that reduces production value.(figure 3)If can keep the fresh and gorgeous color and the maintenance quality, and prolong flower, agricultural product after adopting accept of store time, will have a help to the flower fruit price stability, increase a flower, fruit agriculture income.

Adopt to accept behind of the flower, fruit will wither away, become black.Its main function machine turns to lie in PPO to oxidize the Fen compound reaction.This experiment confirms the small numerator depressant existence as a result, if further research this kind repress to plant of the PPO represses result extensively.Will have already helped conservancy of lengthening the back of the result, sale time, break to export brown change with the result that sell mutually become bad of restriction, more ability overall increment agriculture of production value, promote a Taiwanese agriculture after joining WTO(WTO) of competition ability.

三、the application of the fair cosmetics product:

In the future according to the result of this research, do the small numerator melanin depressant of this magnolia flower further analysis, by extracting the natural and small numerator PPO depressant of the magnolia flower make use of the function that it represses the melanin formation, make melanin of born repress, may even reach fair, reply pure white result of skin color.

Besides, the formation of the black spot also has a direct relation, if represses PPO with tyrosinase the numerator increase to go into in addition to the cosmetics of the spot, reduce melanin formation, will contribute to downplaying a black spot. (Diagram 12) and the main composition in the existing and fair cosmetics product is sour as the Qu, hydroquinone is all PPO depressant, these ingredient mostly right and wrong natural additives, for health or many or few all have bad influence.If the natural and small numerator PPO canned extract the natural flower that obtain nearby and easily to repress numerator, increasing in being used for a skin of makeup, skin care products inside, to healthy influence certanly will will more extremely minute.Satisfied thus and not only at present skin care products to pay attention to a natural need and match the nature of the female love of beauty, more still have the fragrant aroma of the magnolia flower.
