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"PROPOLIS", the original text of the bee propolis, comes from in Greek, having "city guardant" to contain an idea.Because it the special valid ingredient had, can let people use for long time to prevent and resist disease to encroach upon, hence, the scientists starting studying people would want to use bee propolis, and it again have which scientific valid ingredient.

Bee propolis is what make and become

The cause of the bee propolis(the Bee Propolis)

The bee will collect to of the resin material and its saliva will produce a kind of black brown to be like the asphalt general gum form material after mixing, this gum form material is called bee propolis.The bee propolis"the Bee Propolis" is the meanings of"the city defend" in the Greek, because the bee propolis has foreign invader of defense and infects germ a proliferation of effect.

The bee propolis and then"tree of tears", one of the source that calls bee propolis is an arboreal juice liquid, these juice liquids are from the bark Shen peep out come, flow slowly and downwards, become tears similar appearance, past bee propolis again call to is "tree of tears".As it does, the raw material of the bee propolis is a resin, as a result also brought the aroma and the stimulative bitter taste of having the tree.So the bee propolis contains invisibly very and severely natural sex antibiosis material.

The bee propolis calls the beehive La gum again, is a Chinese medicine so-called beehive.

Bee propolis in addition to have a human body must its various vitamin and the mineral quality, have the plant anti- oxidizing agent living creature flavonoid vegetable and the flower ethereal oil that is collected back by the bee still, can promote the human body immunity power promote, anti-virus prevent cancer again anti-cancer.The valid ingredient of the bee propolis includes the mixture that the resin(55%), beeswax(30%), ethereal oil(10%) and pollen(5%) constitute.The resin is a vegetative secretion, having the type of many anti- oxygenations flavonoid vegetable(flavonoids).Having its special sweet smell flavor in bee propolis is the ethereal oil that comes from a plant, and these ethereal oils also have curative effect.The pollen then contains abundant amino acids, vitamin and mineral quality.

The bee propolis can strengthen to resist the disease ability, anti-cancer and the anti- allergy, the change constitution, prevention cold, alleviate the ear nose larynx every kind of disease, nasty and chronic rhinitis, relax throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis etc..

The bee propolis(propolis) are the natural material of the bees manufacturing with all of the honey and the queen bee milkses. It is found at first in the beehive entrance, as a result get. In other words, it is the material that protects beehive, being called "the Feng fat" in Japan.

The bee adds the skin of the benefit tree, pine tree, palm tree tree, white poplar tree, willow, birch particularly from various tree or tender shoot collect of extract a liquid, through the bee larynx gland secretion(enzyme) mixture and become bee propolis, and draw in the nest wall or the cleft before producing egg, protect beehive inner part, strengthen to disinfect power, make the internal maintenance of beehive have no germ appearance. Because the bee propolis has an anti-virus, disinfecting, eliminating inflammation, antisepsis, promote the cell be getting and metabolism etc. function.

Point out according to the research paper, don't serve as in examination inside the nest what virus, so the bee propolis is to safeguard healthy patron saint. Because 20,000 bee only can produce the bee propolis of the 20 gram for a year, so bee propolis the original liquid is rather precious.

The tree essence that these bees collects is partially small to release air, and feel the person to have the thing of the light aroma through the tree, is also what we call"phytoncide

Bee propolis from where come?

The work bee also collects to some barks in the meantime at the time of adopting Mi and tender shoot inside of the resin form material, the saliva of these materials and bee will produce a kind of sticky and dense form, the black and brown gum form material that have fragrance after mixing, being called bee propolis.The material that the bee comes out these creations is the building materials that constructs beehive, it also has wall inside the repair and disinfects and keeps beehive inner part in the meantime of sweep function.

The category of the bee propolis

The category of the bee propolis can according to raw material and make into two kinds of method to distinguish analyse.

Our understanding to the bee propolis is how natural and born after, then with understand, due to collect of region dissimilarity, will influence to the category of the bee propolis directly.So use to come to the original gum piece of the refined bee propolis can the tree of its source grow and the habitat is a classification, as add a benefit tree, white Yang tree, pine tree, birch, willow, the Zhen tree particularly and Brazil, the United States, Australia, Europe, Soviets.....Wait for.

If uses again the words that another method divides into.Basis refined method of different is a classification.Can be divided into water-soluble bee propolis, alcohol to extract the bee propolis, and the tiny gum grain bee propolis for turning mostly, among them again with the alcohol extract most is familiar.

Water-soluble bee propolis-this is the more convenient method, extracting the valid ingredient in the bee propolis by hot water, but the valid ingredient of the most parts isn't dissolved in a water, so opposite what it has is efficient also lower.

The alcohol extracts bee propolis-was a kind of to be been used for in bee propolis to turn a method purely at the earliest stage, because of the valid ingredient in most bee propolis if flavonoid etc. doesn't dissolve a water, have to extract it by the alcohol method.And by this method the valid ingredient dissolved is all to have already known of extract a content in method most of.

The tiny gum grain turns bee propolis-this is for making bee propolis of edible more convenient, and avoid special sweet smell and mordacious flavor of bee propolis, but because it is to make use of to mix and can take shape and glycerin, so therefore ate to go into of the glycerin ingredient and spice are far many in the valid ingredient of the bee propolis still needs to have another a lot of.

So still is extracted with alcohol in the bee propolis extract the method the method gains to of the valid ingredient is the most high.

Bee propolis effect

Bee propolis because of having the natural sex antibiosis material, so can cure as follows the disease of the example:

Type the flavonoid repress an enzyme occurrence function

1.     Repressing the ATP resolves three

2.     Strengthen immunity power

3.     Produce interferon with the protection cell and keep virus from invading

4.     Will not be rejected by the immune system

5.     The prevention allergy

6.     Participate gum to synthesize, enhance the knot Di organization at first

7.     Adjusting the stomach and intestines function alleviates ulcer

8.     Being rated as the natural of A Si works properly

9.     Prevent the tar compound from causing cancer

10.   Activate cell, prevention aging

11.   Defending system leads to oxidize a fat

12.   Raise diseases, such as metabolism function and the cancellation pressure...etc..

The clinic and experiment find next true facts

1.     The dentist is used for alleviating mouth cavity Yan

2.     Anaesthesia been used for the domestic animal surgical operation

3.     Improve to breathe an inflammation slightly and up

4.     Prevent and cure relax throat

5.     Improve a chronic middle-ear infection

6.     Can improve 90% of the skin disease

7.     Improve hand eczema

8.     Cure slight burn

9.     Repress zoster ache in two days

10.   Repressing the chicken pox virus breeds ache

11.   Cure a head tinea

12.   Add the salicylic acid ointment in addition to chicken eye

13.   Massage the prevention and cure depilation

14.   Allergic sex dermatitis

15.   Can kill to put out vagina infusoria

16.   Reduce a stomach ulcer surgical operation rate

17.   Can appear more blood plasma cell

18.   Enhance immunity function, defer aging

19.   Can even be the external injury medicine to use

20.   Improve the asthma and dermatitis

21.   Prevention cold and mouth cavity Yan

22.   Prevent the tonsil inflammation and kidney Yan

23.   Cure headache, low blood pressure, get a toothache

24.   The external ear Yan, the external injury ear drum wears

25.   Ulcerate sex Yan inside, the Chuang Yan inside

26.   The chronic rhinitis and smelly nose disease

27.   Tonsillitis, bronchitis, bronchus asthma

28.   The eczema, nerve dermatitis, the malnutrition ulcer and other skin diseases.....Wait for function.

The valid ingredient of the bee propolis

The bee propolis is a kind of natural outcome, so what it has can distinguish in the ingredient of have several 100 kinds of above, but can be divided into an underneath several big types on the whole.

1.     Flavonoid, having about can subdivide 20~30 kinds of, is in the bee propolis the mainest valid ingredient.It is the generic name of the flavonoid, Furabanon, Anthocyan, Karukon etc. material.Having the anti- oxidizes, anti- Yan, the anti- organize An etc. function and promote the collagen synthesize to help organization a rebirth then.

2.     Double is in the bee propolis ingredient, for repress and kills to put out the important valid ingredient that the tumor cell function produces results.

3.     Vitamin, the bee propolis contains abundant vitamin, can with other valid the ingredient raises the help to the human body together, if the vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, E, nicotine is sour and is suffused with sour etc..Raise the advantage of the body metabolism and anti- oxygenation to the human body respectively.

4.     The mineral quality, provide the copper, manganese, iron, calcium, aluminum, Fan, Si, zinc, silicon...etc. nourishment vegetable that various human body metabolism needs.

5.     The organic acid, the special organic acid had by bee propolis, is sour as the benzoin, coffee sour and fragrant bean plain sour and single phenolic acid....Etc., all have a germ of repress and resist the function of the inflammation reaction, if resist chronic hepatitis, vagina Yan, the cervix Yan...etc., besides, the dragon Dan is sour to also have to relieve pain to eliminate inflammation of function.

6.     Sweet smell Quan, the phytoncide that it sends forth can help flabby motion, relaxing pressure, so having the advantage that the town settles of tranquilizes the nerves.

7.     Resin, ethereal oil, pollen, La.....Wait for other materials.

The edible of the bee propolis type

We after understanding the ingredient of the bee propolis again to how eat a bee propolis product?

The bee propolis product of now can be divided into a drop of, capsule, soft capsule, powder, tiny gum to build a grain of powder etc. mostly.

Drop belongs to alcohol to extract a method mostly, only having the few part usage water-soluble extract a method, so the alcohol extracts of the liquid form bee propolis valid the ingredient density is higher, and can with edible demand and adjust dosage, sometimes can also use at for external application disinfect and anti-virus effect up.The weakness isn't the flavor that some persons does make it a rule the liquid form bee propolis very much, because of comparison the mordacity stab a nose, difficult entrance.

Besides, the powder form Huo tiny gum grain the type of the powder is special to design for the kid, the eating is better, doing not need to worry the problem that swallows, either, due to is make the powder form and for canning not show bee propolis of mordacious flavor, so also increased many spices, dyes, starches, and endow with the form, with Be take shape to use, but also bring a kid in the meantime many surplus of ingredient, and the density of the opposite valid ingredient is on the contrary very low.

Still having a kind of type is stilla soft capsule, its special features is can extract behind of the bee propolis condense the valid ingredient conservancy in the soft capsule, this kind of type of advantage is to avoid bee propolis of special stimulate mordacious flavor, and can raise the inspissation multiple, while eating also more convenient, after raising to enter appetite of the absorption usage rate.This is a kind of more newly arisen edible choice.

Understand to the advantage and source of the bee propolis after, how choose a good bee propolis product also very important.In addition to you have to notice the Israeli & Pakistan west of habitat of the bee propolis raw material the best, the choice of the type and extracts the valid density and usage result that the way also influences to the bee propolis product directly.The density that the alcohol extracts is the most high, the result is the best.Besides, the type then wants to depend on your need to make a choice.Generally speaking, if is a nourishment complement and prevent result, still choose a concentrated capsule more utility and edible convenience.If want to pick the bee propolis that eats for kid for the sake of canning adjust suitable amount of, and have regard for an eating, can choose the tiny gum grain bee propolis for turning.The bee propolis of the liquid also is applicable to need to adjust amount of and don't rejects the person of its special flavor, or takes directly to draw on the wound, Be use outside.

The health care function of the bee propolis

1, anti-virus, anti- allergy.

2, the prevention cancer.

3, promote the wound Yu match.

4, disinfect a function.

5, promote to digest a function.

6, tranquilize the nerves a town to settle.

7, relieve pain to eliminate inflammation.

The bee propolis applies object

We are after understanding bee propolis the advantage of the human body opposite of also knows the following person is a fit edible bee propolis product.Include:

1, there is the person of the chronic and allergic sex rhinitis.

2, bronchitis sufferer.

3, breathe an infection and have a sore throat, flow a nose water.

4, develop a fever, asthma, cough, stuffed-up nose.

5, the easy cold get sick.

6, be placed in a not good person of the air environment over a long period of time.

7, the germ sex appeal dye etc..

Green bee propolis, is best for present in this world grade of, have already been divided into green and brown two big specieseses generally speaking, but the green bee propolis is special is:Type the yellow Tong content is the most high, and the uniqueness have P-fragrant bean sour"C- different Xu two derivatives of Xi Ji", this ingredient only is existed in a dithyramb the chrysanthemum leaf secretion in the middle.

Bee propolis therapy

A, the concept of the bee propolis therapy:

The bee propolis therapy is a kind of therapy that uses bee propolis as a main medicine to cure illness, the bee propolis therapy is a kind of newly arisen therapy, just just rising gradually in the last several decades, is known by people.

The bee propolis is a honey to build nest to use of a kind of fill and glue to match material.Grow and don't produce bee propolis in the Feng of my country, but Italy grow to then produce more, each Feng can produce 500 grams about every year or so.Using can it cure a high blood fat disease, skin disease(chronic skin infection, nerve skin Yan, tinea disease, the spore silk germ...etc.), the mouth cavity glues a film ulcer chicken eye, tooth disease, some gynecology disease etc.s.The product of the bee propolis has a bee propolis liquid, bee propolis tablet, bee propolis capsule, bee propolis Mi and doesn't contain an alcohol bee propolis liquid(the bio-chemical method sample), bee propolis toothpaste, bee propolis ointment, bee propolis shampoo, bee propolis body wash, bee propolis soap, the bee propolis larynx slice.....

Two, the principle of the bee propolis therapy:

The bee propolis(some nations are called the Feng fat) is the complicated compound of the plant heredity thing and the bee endocrine, ising the plant cell that the bee adopts from the gum source plant Yi bud department organization liquid, the gum form material(also call resin), wasing used by bee tongue gland, the Zha gland secretion bee outcome of mixture process and formation.Because it has the chromosome of the source plant, is a sign in fact of the plant inherit a gene pool.Knowing from valid standpoint that the composition delivered to the mankind of the plant, the bee propolis is a kind of very precious, very valid bee product.

The basic composition of the bee propolis is the tree balsam is compound, polyphenol material, many sugar material etc.s.The main valid composition in the bee propolis is a flavonoid compound, having already separated currently the flavonoid of the confirmation contain 20 varieties, two among them is mankind first time from find in the nature.Still have various vitamins, various amino acidses in the bee propolis, and organize egg white(Enzyme), Yi egg white (Enzyme), starch (Enzyme), fat (Enzyme)and 34 kinds of little elements, also have a variety to have an activity of acids, Chun, fat material is an important natural medicine product.

Currently, science and technology the worker is basic to have already known the composition of the bee propolis, and can be synthesized with artificial, but sorry BE:The bee propolis that the artificial synthesizes, have no proper various living creature activities and pharmacology function of natural bee propolis.Therefore the medical treatment is an usage up currently of or natural bee propolis.And the bee propolis is a kind of rare and precious bee product.Under the general condition, each Feng only can produce everyday 0.2 gram or so bee propolis, need to cherish an usage.

Edible method:Everyday at 100 the cc boiled water drop go into 2 then.

Take a method:By rule use the bee propolis product everyday, is a Liao distances for 2 days, then took for two days.

Usage:Shake green bee propolis evenly, use to disinfect the cotton stick to draw in the infected part.

Using outside can make skin fine, making stronger hair. Join the green bee propolis of[with] certain comparison in the cosmetics, can there is smooth skin to keep the hairdressing of the Yan function

Its color lies between the green and the brown, the wax quality lies is 27.25% in 21.04~, type flavonoid at 292 nms is 0.79~1.1, oxidize the degree as 2.81~4.48 Secondses, so call generally it is"green bee propolis", these green bee propolises produce from Brazil that Si state in special region-rice, it has the special geography, weather and the plant condition, taking adding the benefit tree particularly as main forest on the geography, on the plant again take owning the tree of Baccharis Dracunculifolia as its characteristic, there is 99% to come from the tree of Baccharis Dracunculifolia in the resin, the pollen ingredient that green bee propolis contain.

According to gets the clinical pathology research that the chemist BASTOS makes Brazil, and studies a manifestation to the chemistry of the green bee propolis, it has the Diterpenic acid(two sour) ingredient(BANKOVA 1996), this kind of ingredient is familiar in the ethereal oil of some conifers and the tree of Baccharis sp, this ingredient is thought to is the main ingredient of the green bee propolis, research confimation, this kind of high-quality Brazil the green bee propolis is on the medical science and the business have height value.

Brazil rice"green bee propolis" that that Si state(the Minas Gerais) produce is analytical in the microscope, taking having the plant ingredient of"the Baccharis Dracunculifolia" tree as its characteristic.The tree Lei of"the Baccharis Dracunculifolia" tree kind is the bee propolis is important in the botany marking(gland body Rong hair, not gland body Rong hair, the bark fragment) of plant source.Already certain"green bee propolis" produces from the tree of Baccharis dracunculifolia, because had many these tree fragments in the crud of the green bee propolis, and studied in the structure, optical microscope, SEM analysis up get confirmation.The green bee propolis has 90~ 100% bark fragment, gland body Rong hairs of the trees of Baccharis Dracunculifolia, the non- gland body Rong hair in the optical microscope analysis, other resins could not have 1%.

The green bee propolis has already separated three kinds of special ingredients, these three kinds of ingredients BE

1.     3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid,

2.     3-prenyl-4-dihydrocinnamic acid,

3.     2,2-dimethyl-6-carboxyeyhenyl-2H-1-benzopyran.

Among them 3,5- The Diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid this kind of ingredient be thought is a Brazil green bee propolis one of the main ingredients, above-mentioned three kinds of special ingredients only have at Brazil the green bee propolis can find.

Three, the bee propolis prevent and cure disease:

(A)natural antiseptic:

Can be used for keeping food, prevent the infectious disease and food poisoning from.This is because have important antisepsis composition in the bee propolis.The number drop the liquid with original bee propolis go into food can not Fu.

(B)natural health food:

The bee propolis is the natural health food, not the drugs, but has a medicine to use value.Wild and house the bee for keeping, experience by the life process of the You age, youth, prime of life, old age, will be also violated by fungi, germ, mildewed germ, virus, the cause insect, will also contract disease, bee of is particularly strong from the Yu power, because they own oneself manufacturing of miraculous material, that is the bee propolis.

The bee propolis is a kind of new health food, at give the person the vitality and energy of in the meantime, can also strengthen the vitality of the cell, the improvement cell function, defer cell is aging, enhance an immune system, is the high human body anti- disease power with from the Yu power.Make person energetic, always halt healthily, method is the number drop bee propolis drinks once then after turning to open in the water everyday.

(C)the natural hairdressing care an article:

The constipation is the big enemy of the hairdressing.Sufferer's mood is twitchy uneasy, the spirit Wei Mi doesn't flap, the skin color Hui is dark, rough, many crease, have no sheen, few flexibility, many the color spot, mix the pimple Zhen to wait for the Yan disease occurrence, this is the Xiu to be poisoned then the vegetable accumulation, the machine body metabolism out of tune, the skin lacks of nourishment with the result that.

The bee propolis can promote and strengthen the gum peristalsis, moderating or resolving Xiu then poisoned vegetable, adjust the machine body metabolism process, and can purify blood, promote the skin descend organization blood circulation, nourishment skin, remove a Yan disease and resolve the color spot, make the skin re-appear source of vitality, delicate and clean, full of flexibility.

1.Defend crease:

Wash face with the gentle soap once first before going to bed everyday, the clearance cosmetics, then in the half basin the cool water or water(the water temperature is proper and low not proper high), drop go into the bee propolis extract a liquid 5-6 drop, wash face hard, wipe dry after, take bee propolis to extract a liquid one gram, place after center of palm of hand, again joining 100% clear waters, double the Zhang crumple to open, then is drawn in on the face evenly, several minutes after, then was absorbed by the skin, feels a skin smooth and delicate at this time.

2.Curing the skin scratches an itch, eczema:

While taking a shower, the body wash that takes general dosage places to use after center of palm of hand, then drop going into bee propolis to extract a liquid 5-6 drops, adjusting evenly, having already disinfected, Yang, eliminate inflammation etc. function, scratch an itch to the skin, eczema, skin Yan, the body tinea etc. the skin disease result is obvious, if was used for cleaning the private parts result better.(just the right amount of dosage that increase the bee propolis liquid, can kill to put out or repress germ, virus, the cause insect...etc.)Can also extract bee propolis the liquid join bathtub an usage.

3.Prevent scurf from:

Take the shampoo of the in common use quantity or shampoo a milk while shampooing, place to shampoo after the palm heart, then drop going into bee propolis extracting a liquid 5-6 drops, adjusting evenly, or use bee propolis shampoo directly:Have nourishment hair and destroy insects Yang, stir up hair bag vitality and repress scurf etc. function, can become a transparent protection film of very thin bee propolis of a layer in the hair surface in the meantime, make hair pitch-black and bright, the sheen is meek and have flexibility, and be advantageous to the hair already set.The dosage that increases bee propolis to extract a liquid can also cure to take off hair.

4.Prevent beriberi from

With the bee propolis wash feet(the foot bath), is a kind of valid health care for going method, the advantage is a lot of.Method BE:Win in the half basin the water(40 is or so), drop go into the bee propolis wash feet after extracting the liquid is 5-6 drops of, can disinfect, Yang prevention tinea pedis, for the beriberi sufferer of the serious infection, cut into slices with the fresh ginger 50 grams, table salt 25 grams join the half basin a water in, put after boiling cool go to when 40 is or so, drop go into the bee propolis wash feet after extracting the liquid is 10 drops of, taking effect once, 35 times namely more.

5.In addition to the halitosis and tooth Yin disease

Several gargle with the bee propolis everyday, the result is astonishing, method BE:Take the half cup the water(the water temperature isn't proper high in 40 ) drop to go into bee propolis to extract a liquid 5-6 drop, after shaking evenly the Shu water, can also use bee propolis mouthwash directly:Can remove halitosis, protect tooth Yin and disinfect to relieve pain.If there is mouth cavity to glue film ulcer, tooth Yin Yan, the tooth far-gone, can be stained with to take bee propolis to extract a liquid with the cotton stick few, is drawn in pathological changes part directly and show an effect quickly.

6.Cure Cuo Chuang, dermatitis:

Suffer from to the skin diseases, such as youth Cuo Chuang(pimple, pimple), skin Yan and eczema...etc., can be stained with bee propolis to extract a liquid with the cotton stick few, is drawn in affected part directly, or draw to wipe bee propolis directly to use to dispel the spot cream outside, several everyday.Face frost, lotion in the commonness....Win, join this article 1-5%, adjust evenly, become fresh yellow, have already defended a jelly, defend Lie, defend to insolate, eliminate inflammation, Yang, disinfect etc. function.Can also be used for a light degree burn.

7.External injury, skin wound:

For the generally familiar external injury, wound, the commendable bee propolis extracts direct drop of liquid(the nonalcoholic bio-chemical extract the method bee propolis liquid and then will not stimulate more) in create, can stop bleeding in 10 seconds, 20 seconds relieve pain and show an effect quickly.

8.Prevent A ditch Yan and ash nail:

After getting in touch with organic menstruum of the greasy dirt or sour alkali etc. causticity each time want to be hard pure to clean, then be stained with to take bee propolis to extract a liquid with the cotton stick few, or use bee propolis to protect a hand liquid and protect the hand cream, draw the nail and A ditch, can protect nail, the prevention A ditch Yan and ash nails availably.Make the nail circle smooth smooth and pliant and tough and bright Ze, full of source of vitality.

9.Defer aging, the benefit liver spirit

Take orally the bee propolis liquid, can produce decontamination blood, moderate or resolve different path into the harmful material of the human body, stir up the vitality of the immunity cell, defer the decrepitude, benefit liver, benefit Dan, benefit urine, promote the machine body a metabolism and improve blood to follow return appearance.

10.Nourishment skin, disinfect to eliminate inflammation:

Use bee propolis outside, can go into a skin quickly and deeply, there is nourishment to moisten, the part repair, eliminating inflammation to take off Min and reducing crease, resolving a color spot, disinfect, eliminating inflammation, Yang, stop bleeding, relieve pain etc. function.Because the skin organization kept good physiology equilibrium and organic vitality, making the skin present beauties of nature, youth beautiful.

11.Regulate motion, mental hairdressing:

Take the half cup a water(100 ccs are or so, water temperature can't more than 40 ) while getting up everyday, the drop goes into 4-5 drops of bee propolis to extract a liquid, getting empty stomach to drink a bottom.Besides, concert edible the bee propolis condense an original liquid(or the bee propolis take orally a liquid), will certainly have intention to surprisingly result.

12.Inside the outside and, specimen and cure:

The bee propolis uses the natural hairdressing saint article outside, but the internal result for eating is better, more economic.The bee propolis takes orally a concentrated original liquid of liquid, bee propolis to have a live ingredient of special bee propolis, can purify blood and soften blood availably soft, adjust the blood fat, resolve a color spot and keep a smooth skin, specimen of Yan and cure.Everyone can according to own actual condition, choice edible the bee propolis take orally the liquid or bee propolis to condense an original liquid, can also two kinds of bee propolis products use alternately, the result is better.

The green bee propolis is currently the expert is in the world generally accepted and powerful natural antibiotics.The anti- Yan, anti-virus(the germ and fungi), anti- that has strong power oxidizes, anti- the aging and virussafe cell activate sex, having the very strong repair ability and the protection function to long-term liver injury that the alcohol causes particularly.In addition, the bee propolis can repress falsely cell to often breed, protecting a human body thus inside organize and the normal function of the organ.


1.          The virussafe cell activates sex, having very strong repair ability to the dry injury that drinks alcohol to cause over a long per
