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  • 售價: $580
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English nameJob’stears

Scientific nameCoxi lacryma-iobi L. var

一、 Brief introduction:

1 Job’s tears original produced in to take India as tropical Asia of the center at first, for get He undergraduate course herbs for a year.And is the protein and the fat content is the most abundant in the crops of He Gu of corn, and abundant starch quality.It be regarded as to enrich most to nourish, and was corn digested easily in the He undergraduate course plant in addition.

2From time immemorial Job's tears of be called a medicine to use a plant, is a cause and effect to have coixenolide(the C38 H70 O4) actually, this material has Yan, benefit urine, row Nong of eliminate, town pain, decrease swelling and anti- the function of the swollen Yang.The root of the Job's tears has coixol(the C8 H7 Ns), this material to neuralgia, the rheumatism arthritis and shoulders are aching to have quiet function in painful town in town and also be get rid of an insect medicine.

3Job’s tears enriching to contain protein can resolve enzyme, softening the skin keratin, making skin smooth, reducing crease, removing the dye spot, making skin pure white.If drink over a long period of time, can also reach effect of moistenning the skin to keeping the human body skinning sheen delicate, removing a pimple, freckle, old-age spot, gestation spot, butterfly spot and taking off scraps, Cuo Chuang, Jun Lie, the skin coarseness...etc. to all have good curative effect;Also can improve pimple.

4、Job’s tears have Vitamin B1, B2, calcium, iron, Lin...etc. had to measure much, and have abundant water-soluble cellulose, the vitamin B1 can match with important efficacy of medicine composition each other, strengthening the function of the treatment mutually, just when the vitamin B1 and the efficacy of medicine composition of the Yi Ren will be broken under the heat, so cure to harm disease with the Yi Ren, can't be long to fry, and want to use the fresh and dry.Heat the parched Job's tears Ren only leave to open stomach perhaps and help digest of common nutriment.According to nourishment analysis, the Yi Ren has carbohydrate, protein, fat, meal fiber, vitamin, potassium, calcium, iron...etc., if and the rice comparison, the protein of the Yi Ren is a rice about of, the meal fiber is a rice of above, iron is  above, so, if in the rice join the Yi Ren together edible, is larger to the help of the human body!

二、 Apply Job’s tears:

Job’s Tears

1、Because  pure ethereal oil, the density is rather high, because of leading a high density to get in touch with a skin directly, how much will cause the incitement and sensitive, past the ethereal oil all needs to join the buffer of the adequacy while getting in touch with sexual usage, and with pure the plant ethereal oil is the most compatible, also can develop its effect most is the pure plant oil, is also the base oil for being so called.

The purpose of the base oil, is for the sake of dilution, buffer, help the absorption of the pure ethereal oil with permeate.Can also reach a function of reducing the Min.

2、The base oil all chooses to use an oiliness stability, numerator generally small, for the convenience of the absorption of the skin with permeate, and have abundant of vitamin and mineral material of cold press a seed oil or check the Ren oil, can provide a skin better moisten with nutrient, help a skin to carry on a repair and maintenance.The base oil usually all has no flavor, mainly is the part, the skin quality appearance that considers to the usage while choosing to use, and special effect need just is the usage purpose of the base oil.

3、The oil of job’s tears is a Chinese special foundation oil, the job’s tears

has the catchment and fair effect, and the oil of Yi Ren withdrawn by it, can be effectively delicate white, moisten a skin, also metabolize the skin surplus water in the meantime, in addition, the skin's absorption toward this grease power is strong, the advantage that the oil of Yi Ren has, is and have the concordance and effect.

4、The ingredient of the job’s tears oil : Make use of GC/MSD analysis job’s tears oil composition?Become.Total??Pay 35 Chong compositions, Settled 18 among those Chongs composition, the oil of Yi Ren was mainly been sour(content 46.40%) by oil, The oil is sour, palm treeSour, stearic acid withCarbonFatty acidsBecome.

三、Withdraw a way of Job’s tears oil:

The applied realm of[with] super and critical fluid technique is rather extensive, reaching to several more, the earliest industrialization application extracts for the natural thing, for example Germany make use of super and critical carbon dioxide to extract caffeine and the plant fragrance extract etc.s;Connect down to expand to a dying, industry to wash clearly etc. realm.In the future, along with the technique development and pursue a high quality, province energy and match the claim of[with] environmental protection, can be also more applied than Nano, chemical engineering, petrochemical, make a medicine, manufacture technology, semi-conductor ……etc. industry.

"Super and critical fluid" has the development potential very much

The application and development of the super and critical fluid are increasingly important, the future development can divide into three directions about:The powder body manufacturing, melting agent replaces, and through chemical reaction in order to have to have an appropriate thing and pure the product of the degree.This a few development directions, study with many chemical engineering special subjects if transfer to touch Mei mutually, enzyme respond, have no the machine Nano material making, the thin film manufacturing process waits for to all have a close connection.

Generally speaking, the material descends and has spirit, liquid in the different temperature and the pressure, solid three change mutually, be this material to exceed critical temperature, pressure bottom, become another an even exist mutually, its physical property lies in annoy mutually and liquid mutually of, this namely be called super and critical mutually(the supercritical phase);The special features of the super and critical fluid for and have spirit the Tai and the characteristic of the liquid:Having the low air sticks to the degree and high proliferation, in order to having high compressibility, the super and critical fluid has the melting agent characteristic of the big scope;And have fluid density, excellent liquidity of having the liquid.

The in common use super and critical fluid is a carbon dioxide(CO2), its main reason near to indoor temperature for the critical temperature(Tc=31 oCs) of the carbon dioxide, the critical pressure(Pc=73.8 bars) is also lower, and the not poisonous and explosion, and have the price cheapness to wait for an advantage, have already applied to clean in the material broadly, the natural product extract, the chemical reaction manufacturing process, sample make and the environment Fu teach many realms of etc.s.

"Super and critical fluid" special physics and the chemistry characteristic

Super and critical fluid the most obvious characteristic is its physics, the chemistry characteristic can through the adjustment of the temperature and the pressure in the manufacturing process system and can make a change in the similar air and the liquid the restriction the scope in succession.In super and critical or near to the physics or the chemistry change of the super and critical fluid, attract the interest of numerous scientists broadly, steam an application of plating the manufacturing process and Nano particle, the line material in the thin film particularly, the distinguishing feature of the better than and traditional aqua manufacturing process of the super and critical fluid manufacturing process, as:(1)The super and critical fluid has the high proliferation and low sticky, so can get higher even and seep through small area inside;(2)The melting agent strength of the super and critical fluid has variation, can control the fluid pressure(density), allowing to dissolve quality to separate quickly;(3)Some super and critical fluids, will not cause environment harmful effects as the super and critical carbon dioxide(SCCO2) not poisonous.The above-mentioned distinguishing feature urges super and critical fluid Be making a pure degree the Nano particle, Nano line material and the solid thin film contain rather important application.

"Super and critical fluid" in the application of Nano particle manufacturing process

The distinguishing feature of the physics, the chemistry property of the basis super and critical fluid, thick be divided into the physical manufacturing process and chemistry manufacturing process in the application on the manufacturing process.The physics or the chemistry characteristic of applied its super and critical fluid developed several methods again in single dissimilarity that respond to use characteristic in the manufacturing process.Steam to plate a manufacturing process to make introduction towards making Nano particle with with here, and explain the manufacturing process method.

1、Physical manufacturing process:

The super and critical aqua is rapid to inflate(RESS) a physical manufacturing process:Once the manufacturing process equipment,such as figure, show, on this manufacturing process, the metals compound or high mark son etc. dissolve the quality first essentials to dissolve in super and critical fluid, being super and critical fluid rapid inflate to the low-pressure district, dissolve the deliquescence degree of the quality to descend quickly, cause to dissolve quality it precipitate, this kind of precipitates and would become dinky numerators to gather a thing, ion to or individual dispersion numerator, will become spirit to dissolve gum generally rather than steam, annoy to dissolve the gum particle ratio general the liquid aqua was turned by fog again go to melting agent, formation of the particle is smaller.

The characteristic of this method is can in get quickly in the super and critical fluid even dispersion the condition and high super and saturated appearance, be advantageous to a narrow grain path to distribute with the formation of the smaller particle.Weakness' then becoming the material of Nano particle has to be canned be dissolved in super and critical fluid in.

Diagram a rapid inflate a physical manufacturing process

四、 Job’s tears special function ingredient



The protein is a kind of complicated organic big numerator compound.Along with the modern age physics, chemistry of develop continuously, more and more proteins acquired a pure crystallize.According to element analysis, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, usually still have a little amount nitrogen and the sulphur.Parts of proteins still have a little bit other elements, mainly is the Lin, iron, copper, iodine, zinc and Mu etc..These elements occupy in the protein constitute of comparison BE:The carbon occupy , hydrogen about to occupy , oxygen about to occupy , nitrogen about to occupy , sulphur about to occupy about  with other little elements.The protein is most basically a life to constitute one of the parts, is one of the biochemical main research objects.


The protein is been sour by the An Ji to pass The key has the preface conjunction and many s of the formationChain.The basic unit of the protein is the An Ji is sour, the An Ji sour ammonia Ji and Zui Ji Suo become  after matching lose a waterKey,  constituted by three or three Can Jis with sour above An JisBe called many sThe formation has another Chain.

The numerator structure of the protein can divide the line to four classes:

One class structure:Constitute many sThe line An Ji of the chain sour sequence.

Second class structure:Depend on different The C of the key=the stable structure of the hydrogen key formation of the O and the N-H Ji regiment.

X-rated structure:By a many sThe stable structure that the interaction of the different An Ji sour side chain of the chain becomes.

Four class structure:By much more different The chain second Ji the interaction formation has the protein numerator of the function.

A the class structure depends on the covalence key maintenance that turns to record to become in the process.Fold formation high one class structure through a protein.Particular many sThe chain may have more than a stable Gou types, each Gou types all have an own the particular living creature activity, only having among them a kind of have a natural activity.

The second class structure includes α helix, the β fold, the β turn corn with have no rule curl.

If subdivide further, the second class structure includes the super and second class structure and structure area with of the x-rated structure still.

The super and second class structure(the super-secondary structure) means close together some and second class combinations of the second class structure that the structure(usually is the α helix and β to turn corn) each other interaction formation has regulation, is the components that constitute x-rated structure.

The structure area(the structual domain) means the second class structure or super and second class structure constitutes of the part of the x-rated structure fold district.

The x-rated structure overwhelming majority can be categorized in these four:Whole α structure, whole β structure, the αβ mixture structure with enrich structure with metals or two sulphur keys.

Four class structure point many sThe interaction of of the chain.

The α -An Ji sour type


The protein is usually been divided into dissolubility, the fiber form or film combine egg white.(see also the integration film egg white)Almost all living creature catalysts, namely  It is all protein.(20 century later period, people find a certain RNA sequence also has the catalyst activity)The transport structure and the ion channel combined with film, can transfer to the bottom thing from a position another position and don't change them;Be subjected to a body, usually also don't change their bottom thing, is the shape and the bottom thing that changes a self to combine only;And antibody, see to seem to be to only combine function;All of these are the proteins.End, the composing cell framework and animal are greatly part of structural of the fiber material is also a protein:The gum constituted skin, hair and cartilages with the corn egg white at first;The muscle is greatly part of is also constituted by protein.

The environment of its surroundings for protein is very fastidious.They only within the scope of a pimping pH and have to keep their live or natural appearance in the aqua of a little amount electrolyte, many proteins can't be existed in distilled water in.The protein lost its natural appearance to be called to change sex.Become sexual protein usually in addition to random curl have no other second class structure.The protein that is placed in natural appearance usually all folds.


Catalyst.An important function of the protein is the living creature catalyst,

Adjust.Some proteins have a function of adjust to the metabolism in the living creature body, for example, insulin.

Conveyance.Some proteins have the function of the conveyance metabolism material, for example, ion channel.

Store.A great deal of protein in the seed is the storage that uses to come to Meng to deliver a hour.

Exercise.Benefit,such as muscle egg white, .

Structure.For example hair, etc..

Other, guard against for example, take the offensive an etc..For example there is a great deal of protein to participate in the mankind's immunity process.

5、The protein can be used:

Produce energy, but they have to be converted to become some common metabolism mediums first.This process demand takes off an ammonia, a kind of material with very big toxicity.The ammonia is converted into urea in the liver, the toxicity dies down, is arranged into the urine.Another some animals convert the urea as uric acid.

The protein is the essential ingredient of the animal meal, developing to the pass importance to the growth and the organization, it can take from the meat, fish, egg, milk and the bean food.

The protein lacks of to usually involve dietetics, is the hungry and the malnutrition of national people in the third world particularly.Even in the developed nation for example the United States, this is also a healthy factor that is ignored.Because the pressure of the society causes to reduce.

Fatty hour, the food is depended on in carbohydrate seriously, being in need of essential the An Ji is sour.Protein's lacking of can with the result that disease, for example tired, the insulin bears to be subjected to, taking off hair, the hair drops a color(should be a black hair to change into red), the muscle weight eases(the protein can repair muscular tissue), the body temperature is low, hormone maladjustment.Serious protein's lacking of will be fatal.

The protein is excessive and will also cause problem, for example the horse turns over to pour due to the problem of the feet.

The chief culprit that usually causes to a certain food allergy and the allergy is usuallya protein.Because each protein of the structure has slightly dissimilarity, some proteins will cause some reactions of immune systems, and a little bit other very safe.Many persons all to a certain protein in the peanut, perhaps the protein of the molluscs or other seafoods is allergic, but few someone to all these are three kinds of all allergic.

The plant protein will use a great deal of body calories to consume, so eat much and can also increase own satisfied foot feeling.And the protein need the vitamin Bs to make a conversion, so at the edible protein add a food, the suggestion matches with the vitamin Bs, will make the protein develop to the biggest effect.

The protein is in the middle, again the plant protein is better to human body, among them, the soybean refine of protein, more can't because the human body constitution causes to arrange his sex, so suggestion want to add protein, make choice of purchase to suit an own protein, in order to prevent spend money and harm a body.

五、The effect of the Job’s tears

1Hairdressing result:

The Job’s tears's boiling herbal medicine can produce a good function to the skin.Take the fried juice of the Yi Ren continuously, through a period of time after, can go to the thick black skin, sweat spot, black spot and all minor faultses on the skin very, even connect frostbite and cracked of skin can also cure good, make the skin become smooth and soft and smooth.Calculate a skin to have no trouble perhaps minor faults, if often fried the soup of Yi Ren take of words, the skin will become beautiful, keeping young forever, also be unlikely to grow a different spot, or is the sweat spot and the thing like the pimple.

2Reduce a blood fat function

Because the Yi Ren has abundant water-soluble fiber, can by adsorbing the Dan salt(be responsible for digesting fat) make to the absorption rate of the fat the bowel way become differ, then reduce blood fat.Aim at normal person and the high fat blood disease a sufferer to carry on a human body to experiment according to the hospital, result detection, the Yi Ren the cholesterol-lowering effect not only surpasses the white rice, Brown rice and oats, the cholesterol-lowering result is in the high blood fat disease sufferer's body more the ordinary people are more obvious;The high blood fat disease sufferer as long as eat 60 gram Yi Rens everyday, after two going to on all sidesly can immediately find cholesterol, the low density fat egg white cholesterol(LDL) in blood to all descend, the blood sugar has already reduced as well.

3Have curative effect to the tuberculosis

Contract tuberculosis and have the condition of the thick phlegm, perhaps would the Ka blood, can take the fried soup of the root of Yi Ren.Often use the Yi Ren to cook gruel to eat besides, can prevent various diseases

六、Eat the matter that the Job’s tears should notice

1.The Job’s tears will make body cold falsely, so pregnant woman and just when the women of the menstruation should avoid eating.

2.Carbohydrate sticky that the Job’s tears contains is higher, so eat too many may hinder to digest!

3.Although the Job’s tears has already reduced the blood fat and the effect of the blood sugar, is just a kind of health care food after all, can't regard as drugs.So there is the sufferer of the high blood fat condition of illness, still need to find a doctor a treatment, the ten million can't eat the Job’s tears by oneself to cure
