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  • 售價: $532
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The Hesperidin is a flavonoid that is found in the orange fruit.The Hesperidin is the lemon and flavonoid of superior orange.The skin is concentrated by the highest hesperidin with the film form part of these fruits.Therefore, the orange juice of the containment flesh of fruits' hasing no flesh of fruits is fuller of than that in the flavonoid and the hesperidin.The sweet orange(orange sinensis) is the most full of food source of hesperidin with the tangelos.The Hesperidin is categorized for the orange bioflavonoid.Hesperidin, be called the diosmin in with the combination of the flavone glycoside, is for the treatment of the vein insufficiency and the hemorrhoid been used for Europe.Hesperidin, the Rutin want to reduce the hairy permeability and the action that has the anti- concussion to is the vitamin P collectively with the other flavonoidses. These material, however, vitamin is not and BE no longer spoken of, in addition to in older literature, as the vitamin P.

The Hesperidin is an abundant of vice- outcome that civilizes with cheap orange.The hesperidin of the food lacks of already and causes the slight illness, the weakness and leg cramp the extreme abnormality hair form and pain to link together.The evidence and hesperidin or related mixture that have no toxicity take normally to observe together.The hesperidin has already been reported to hold the pharmacology of having the breadth scope to learn the characteristic with its aglycone Hesperitin.

The Hesperidin is in the middle of the living creature flavonoid, the abiogenesis nourishment vegetable's usually finding to have something to do with the vitamin C is.These living creature flavonoids include the Hesperidin,the lemon vegetable,Rutin,flavonoid,Flavonals,the son tea , with five flavonoids.The Hesperidin and the blood silk health conjunction and health circulation.Be like the other bioflavinoidseses, the hesperidin operation had better be to with the vitamin C and other bioflavinoidses.The marking with the poison is observed to enter the floodgate normally with the hesperidin.

The Hesperidin is a living creature flavonoid.The living creature flavonoid is the material of any a group color is found in many fruits, and raise the activity C of the vitamin.These material not is vitamin but BE is"the vitamin P" that

takes the number by the Dr.This is a Szent-Gyorgyi especially, a well-known Hungary researcher.He is win of the similar Gyorgyi Nobel prize is in the vitamin C in the medical science of he of detection up.It isolates the in the interval vitamin C, he met the bioflavinoids.He has a friend and work properly the germ gum and think this condition has something to do with the vitamin C lacking of perhaps.He give provide some with the personnel he did not process, the vitamin C of the impurity, with affirm to work properly the germ gum enough tidy up.

Hereafter, by work properly the germ emersion to face to secrete the tree liquid, he decides to try again;this time with pure of vitamin C, he prepares to observe the more obvious result.Have no such luck.The person's gum goes to be working properly the germ.The Szent-Gyorgi checked again him more to prepare and decide in early days, the effectively miscellaneous quality was in the middle of the living creature flavonoid.He then tried these alone, with the report, they operate.He assigned name to these materials"vitamin P."The living creature flavonoid first time as a result entered the use similar mainly be like the conservator blood silk, the most small blood vessel is in the body.Lack of the appearance never have is recognized, so the hesperidin is not a true vitamin.


The flavonoid hesperidin is a flavanone glycoside (glucoside) comprised of the flavanone (a class of flavonoids) hesperitin and the disaccharide rutinose. Hesperidin is the predominant flavonoid in lemons and oranges. The peel and membranous parts of these fruits have the highest hesperidin concentrations. Therefore, orange juice containing pulp is richer in the flavonoid than that without pulp. Sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis) and tangelos are the richest dietary sources of hesperidin. Hesperidin is classified as a citrus bioflavonoid.

Hesperidin, in combination with a flavone glycoside called diosmin, is used in Europe for the treatment of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Hesperidin, rutin and other flavonoids thought to reduce capillary permeability and to have anti-inflammatory action were collectively known as vitamin P. These substances, however, are not vitamins and are no longer referred to, except in older literature, as vitamin P.

Hesperidin is a solid substance with low solubility in water. It is, however, much more soluble in water than its aglycone hesperetin. Hesperidin's molecular formula is C28H34O15, and its molecular weight is 610.57 daltons.

The disaccharide of hesperidin, rutinose, is comprised of the sugars rhamnose (6-deoxy-L-mannose) and glucose. Hesperidin is also known as hesperetin 7-rhamnoglucoside, hesperetin-7-rutinoside and (S)-7-[[6-0-(6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannop- yranosyl)-beta-D-glucopyranosyl] oxy]-2, 3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one. Hesperidin is represented by the following chemical structure:



Hesperidin may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, hypolipidemic, vasoprotective and anticarcinogenic actions.


Although some studies indicate that hesperidin has antioxidant activity in vivo, others do not demonstrate antioxidant activity in vitro.

The possible anti-inflammatory action of hesperidin is probably due to the possible anti-inflammatory action of its aglycone hesperetin. Hesperetin appears to interfere with the metabolism of arachidonic acid as well as with histamine release. Hesperetin appears to inhibit phospholipase A2, lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase. There is evidence that hesperetin inhibits histamine release from mast cells, which would account for the possible anti-allergic activity of hesperidin.

Again, the possible hypolipidemic effect of hesperidin is probably due to hesperetin's possible action in lipid lowering. Hesperetin may reduce plasma cholesterol levels by inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG CoA) reductase, as well as acyl coenzyme A: cholesterol acytransferase (ACAT). Inhibition of these enzymes by hesperetin has been demonstrated in rats fed a high cholesterol diet.

The mechanism of hesperidin's possible vasoprotective action is unclear. Animal studies have shown that hesperidin decreases microvascular permeability. Hesperidin, itself or via hesperetin, may protect endothelial cells from hypoxia by stimulating certain mitochondrial enzymes, such as succinate dehydrogenase.

The mechanism of hesperidin's possible anticarcinogenic action is also unclear. One explanation may be the inhibition of polyamine synthesis. Inhibition of lipoxygenase and cyclo-oxygenase is another possibility.


There is not much known about the pharmacokinetics of hesperidin in humans. It is unclear if hesperidin itself is absorbed from the intestine intact as a glycoside. The aglycone hesperetin is detected in the serum following ingestion and may be formed prior to or following absorption. Hesperetin may undergo glucuronidation in the wall of the intestine, as well as in the liver. Hesperetin is detected in the urine within three hours after ingestion of hesperidin. Urinary excretion appears to be the major route of excretion of the aglycone. Not much more is known about the metabolism of hesperidin.


Hesperidin has demonstrated some ability to favorably affect lipids and to treat some vascular disorders in humans. Other claims made for hesperidin are based on in vitro and animal studies. These include claims that hesperidin is useful in cancer and immune

disorders. There are also claims that hesperidin is an anti-allergen and anti-inflammatory agent based on results from animal experiments.


In several animal studies, hesperidin has significantly increased HDL-cholesterol while lowering total lipid and triglyceride plasma levels. A recent clinical trial tested the effects of hesperidin-rich orange juice in 25 subjects with elevated cholesterol levels. Subjects drank one glass of orange juice daily for four weeks, two glasses daily for four weeks and three glasses daily for four weeks. By the third phase of the study, HDL levels in these subjects increased 21% and the LDL/HDL ratio dropped 16%. Folate levels significantly increased. This was interpreted as a positive result, as well, since folate has been shown to cause declines in levels of homocysteine which, at high levels, is believed to increase the risk of heart disease.

These positive effects, attributed by the researchers to the hesperidin content of orange juice, persisted throughout a five-week washout period that followed the conclusion of testing. During that period, subjects were asked not to drink any juice.

Hesperidin has demonstrated antihypertensive and diuretic effects in both normotensive rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats. It has also shown some ability to protect against ischemia-reperfusion tissue damage in some animal models.

In combination with micronized diosmin, hesperidin has significantly improved acute internal hemorrhoids of pregnancy in a clinical open trial.

Anticancer, antimutagenic and immune-modulating effects have been seen with the use of hesperidin in numerous in vitro and animal studies. Among the cancers investigated in these studies are esophageal, colon, urinary bladder and skin cancers. In one study that compared the cancer-inhibiting effects of a number of dietary flavonoids and bioflavonoids, hesperidin, hesperetin and catechin were said to be the most potent. More research is needed.

Similarly, more research is warranted to see whether preliminary animal studies suggesting that hesperidin may have significant antiallergenic and antiinflammatory effects will have clinical relevance.



Hesperidin is contraindicated in those who are hypersensitive to hesperidin or any component of an hesperidin-containing product.


Pregnant women and nursing mothers should avoid use of supplemental hesperidin at doses higher than may be found in some multivitamin preparations (about 20 mg) unless such use is recommended by a physician.


Supplemental hesperidin is usually well tolerated. Adverse reactions include gastrointestinal ones, such as nausea.



Vitamin C: The interaction between flavonoids, such as hesperidin and hesperetin, and vitamin C is unclear. It has been believed for some time that flavonoids work synergistically with vitamin C, enhancing the absorption of the vitamin and preventing its         oxidation. However, recent research indicates that flavonoids, such as hesperetin, may actually inhibit the uptake of vitamin C into cells. More research is needed to clarify this issue.


There are no reports of overdosage.


Hesperidin is present in such nutritional supplements as vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Typical dose in these products is about 20 mg. Hesperidin is available in hesperidin-complex supplements. Doses for this type of supplement are usually 500 mg to 2 grams daily. In Europe, hesperidin is available for the management of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids in a combination product with diosmin. A 500-mg dose of this combination product is comprised of 50 mg of hesperidin and 450 mg of diosmin. Dose for this mixed flavonoid product, for the above conditions, is 1 to 3 grams daily. Another flavonoid, hesperidin methyl chalcone, is often marketed in formulations with hesperidin. This is a different flavonoid, and very few studies have been performed using it. A good source of hesperidin is orange juice containing pulp.


CCl4 is a well-established hepatotoxin inducing liver injury by producing free radicals. Exposure to CCl4 also induces acute and chronic renal injuries. The present study was designed to establish the protective effect of hesperidin (HDN), a citrus bioflavonoid, on CCl4-induced oxidative stress and resultant dysfunction of rat liver and kidney.


Animals were pretreated with HDN (100 and 200 mg/kg orally) for one week and then challenged with CCl4 (2 ml/kg/s.c.) in olive oil. Rats were sacrificed by carotid bleeding under ether anesthesia. Liver enzymes, urea and creatinine were estimated in serum. Oxidative stress in liver and kidney tissue was estimated using Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), glutathione (GSH) content, superoxide dismutase(SOD), and Catalase (CAT)


CCl4 caused a marked rise in serum levels of ALT and AST (P < 0.05). TBARS levels were significantly increased whereas GSH, SOD and CAT levels decreased in the liver and kidney homogenates of CCl4 treated rats. HDN (200 mg/kg) successfully attenuated these effects of CCl4


In conclusion, our study demonstrated a protective effect of HDN in CCl4 induced oxidative stress in rat liver and kidney. This protective effect of HDN can be correlated to its direct antioxidant effect.

Effect on liver enzymes

CCl4 caused a marked rise in serum levels of ALT (control = 45 IU/L) and AST (control = 135 IU/L) demonstrating a marked liver damage.Treatment with HDN decreases the elevated levels of ALT and AST in serum (P < 0.05). Both the doses of HDN also attenuated the CCl4-induced elevated levels of total bilirubin (control = 0.184 mg/dl).

Effect on hepatic and renal TBARS levels

CCl4 challenge caused a marked lipid peroxidation in both liver (control = 1.5 micromoles/mg protein) and kidney (control = 33.86 nmoles/mg protein). Both the doses of HDN decreased the level of lipid peroxidation in liver, but in the kidney, no effect on lipid peroxidation was seen with 100-mg/kg dose, and only the higher dose of HDN (200 mg/kg) could attenuate the increased level of lipid peroxidation (P < 0.05). 7-day oral feeding of HDN per se (200 mg/kg) did not result in a significant alteration of either hepatic or renal TBARS levels.

Effect on the glutathione levels in CCl4 treated rats

CCl4 administration markedly decreased the levels of reduced glutathione in both the liver (control = 35.99 micromoles/mg protein) and kidneys (control = 27.99 micromoles/mg protein) demonstrating oxidative stress. HDN (200 mg/kg) per se did not produce any change in the levels of reduced glutathione either in liver or kidney. HDN (100 mg/kg) showed no effect on the levels of reduced glutathione either in liver or kidney in CCl4 treated rats whereas HDN (200 mg/kg) significantly ameliorated CCl4-induced depletion of GSH in both liver and kidney (P < 0.05). HDN per se (200 mg/kg) did not result in a significant alteration of either hepatic or renal GSH levels.

Effect on the antioxidant enzymes in liver and kidneys in CCl4 treated Rats

CCl4 challenge significantly decreased the levels of SOD and catalase in both liver (SOD: control = 25.66 U/mg protein; Catalase: control = 0.32 K/min) and kidneys (SOD: control = 99.22 U/mg protein; Catalase: control = 0.32 K/min). HDN per se (200 mg/kg) had no effect on these enzymes either in liver or in kidneys. HDN (100 mg/kg) failed to improve the levels of SOD or catalase either in liver or kidneys of CCl4 administered rats but HDN (200 mg/kg) significantly increased the levels of both enzymes in liver and kidneys of CCl4 treated rats (P < 0.05). 7-day oral feeding of HDN per se (200 mg/kg) did not result in a significant alteration of any of these antioxidant enzymes either in liver or kidney.

Citrus Bioflavonoids

are sometimes considered vitamins because they possess the properties of a vitamin, and are sometimes referred to as Vitamin P. They are found in

several forms, including Hesperidin, eriodictyl, Quercetin, and.Citrus Bioflavonoids provide natural antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties.

Hesperidin is a - a natural substance found in plants, fruits, vegetables, nuts, bark, and buckwheat. Citrus Bioflavonoids help protect capillaries, prevent bruising, and intensify the effect of vitamin C in the body. In fact, Bioflavonoids are essential for total vitamin C effectiveness. Citrus Bioflavonoids provide natural antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. In addition, certain bioflavonoids are beneficial for fighting infections, free radical damage, viruses, and common colds. Bioflavonoids have also been used to help alleviate symptoms related to . The bioflavonoid Quercetin is typically available in capsule form as a supplement by itself. commonly used in vitamin C supplements to boost its effectiveness, is derived from the buckwheat plant, and provides a non-acidic source of vitamin C. Hesperidin can improve the health of capillaries and connective tissues. Because of this, it has been noted to help with bruising, varicose veins, and fragile capillaries. Daily use of Citrus Bioflavonoids can be helpful to those suffering from spider veins, arthritis, hemorrhage, phlebitis, high cholesterol levels, herpes, cataracts, general inflammation, bleeding gums, blood clots, scurvy, hemorrhoids, edema, and hypertension. Anyone taking Citrus Bioflavonoids is encouraged to also supplement their diet with up to 2,500 mg. of vitamin C to significantly increase their effectiveness in healing actions.

FIGURE 1 Molecular structure of -glucosylhesperidin.

Bone mass and minerals.

Marked bone loss occurred in the femoral cancellous bone in OVX mice, and the loss was prevented by treatment with hesperidin or -glucosylhesperidin. Administration of E2 also prevented the bone loss in OVX mice .

FIGURE 2 µCT scanning of the distal femoral metaphysis collected from sham-operated (Sham) mice; ovariectomized (OVX) mice and OVX mice fed diets containing hesperidin (HesA) or -glucosylhesperidin (HesB); and OVX mice treated with 17ß-estradiol (E2) for 4 wk. Left to right: sham-operated, OVX, OVX+HesA, OVX+HesB, OVX+E2.

Flavonoid together the righteousness phrase is the rather important plant chemistry ingredient  , it includes the flavonoid, isoflavone, two hydrogen flavonoids, the article glucoside son tea and the orange alkone of the different construction that belongs to the flavonoid, be various each kind growth by their derivatives.` 3> G7

The c analysis chemistry forum- The person of the chemistry, the chemistry product analysis and helps the analytical ories and applies 2> in the world`

With three chlorine methane-methyl alcohols-sprinkle to infuse(4: 3: 2)The system a time importation a 100 mg separates to add up to the flavonoid to acquire from the daphne genkwa 3'- The genkwanin, the celery element, the mignonette element;separate the medium St. The johnswort glucoside, Mongolia the oak Pi Su, the grass slices to pare the knife, the element of vitex cannabifolia, another element of vitex cannabifolia is from the Chinese hawthorn tree Ye Cuti; By three chlorine methanes- Methyl alcohol- Sprinkle to infuse(33: 40: 27) System, the 700 rs/min revolves of speed, separate the

hesperetin in the 70 mins with?It separate the orange skin vegetable in the mixture, from the flavonoid mixture,four flavonoids of and Mongolia the oak peels the flavonoid, and uses to wash to take off the technique availably;the Vanhaelen etc. HSCCC with.The HPLC is become the integral whole(gingko BE) to extract the thing to separate 7 flavonoid glucos every moment in the leaf from the 500 mg gingko tree biloba. Then the flexibility increases the isobutyl alcohol gradually, knotting the tie to be the acetic acid B ester and isobutyl alcohol ratio to the separation BE(6: 4); The Oka etc. by three chlorine methanes- Methyl alcohol- Water(4: 3: 2) The system separated under the 3500 rs/min at the 8 mins from be seeing the buckthourn fruit extract the thing acquire 5 main compositions, its separation speed compares with the HPLC perhaps and for certain; And and have the scholar to separate the rheinic sour, the greatly yellow vegetable of the aloe, greatly yellow vegetable, greatly yellow plain methyl alcohol ether, greatly yellow in China is a total etc. from greatly yellow hydroxyanthraquinone in China; With the personal alkane of the method line- Acetic acid B ester- Methyl alcohol- Water(9: 1: 5: 5) Separate the greatly yellow plain methyl alcohol ether, the aloe rheinic is sour, the rheinic is sour, greatly yellow in China revolves the acceleration with greatly yellow vegetable under the 1800 rs/min at the 70 mins from in leaf China's greatly yellow root-stock of the palm tree; (The cherry peach cake BE) the methyl alcohol extracts the thing Epilobium parviflorum to enter to key-inned the 2 g separation to acquire Mongolia the oak Pi Gan, the Myrica rubra glucoside,another Myrica rubra glucoside are sour with 500% sons, two mutually the system is three chlorine methanes- Methyl alcohol- Sprinkle to infuse(7: 13: 8)

Database Luo the man card Doctor claims to the BBC:"The super flavonoid can match in excellence very and more than some prescription medicines, and have no side effect."

At for the digest and the absorption function of the vitamin C up is an indispensable material;the flavonoid provides the yellow in orange with the orange material, belonging to for the water-soluble vitamin, is the main factor that maintains the thin afferent transparence of hair!Lie in the effect up:be good for the stomach,dispel the phlegm,town cough,get rid of the breeze,the benefit urine, negative with stomach-ache etc. effect.The orange skin is plain and check the ear  to the serum,huge bite?Pure get the HSC-T6 of the factor incitement with the blood platelets source on the afterbirth?The influence that the afterbirth propagates.Does having the liver of repress keep the fat?The

function that the afterbirth propagates.The orange skin vegetable can reduce the afferent to fall ill several rateses, increasing to the beneficial cholesterol of the body, reducing to the harmful cholesterol of the body.For the cancer of the breast cell'the DMBA"and" MNU"have to repress the formation and growth the result very strongly....!

And had the natural estrogen to feel attracted the hormone(estrongic) function and"yellow alkali " and"yellow alkali vegetable- go together with the carbohydrate body" that among them included the dissimilarity structure....These all have many body outside and body inside eliminate inflammation and anti-cancer function!

The result is strong to lead the vitamin C to amount to 10000%, have the very strong metabolism row poisonous function, to tiny circularly stimulate the function; also have the poisonous function of the very strong metabolism row, stimulate to the microcycle.

Is the orange skin vegetable in the tube? Can repress to resist to grow of have: Steep , the cold germ, beads germ, parasite, carnivorous germ,streptococci,fungi,salmonella,escherichia coliform, the rod bacteria.

Remind the suggestion:

1. If the women of the menopause increase the living creature flavonoid to take the quantity,(take with the vitamin D meanwhile) , can alleviate the female and special upsurge of the menopause red.

2. Brush teeth solid tooth the person who usually bleeds, should take the fragrant vegetable or orange skin vegetable of full cloud.

3. The person of the easy creation blood clot, should take to have the living creature flavonoid, cloud joss-stick the vegetable, orange skin vegetable of compound prescribe vitamin C.

4. The vitamin P and the vitamin C are in conjunction with the function.
