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一、 Introduction of sweet potatoes :

Sweet Potato

Sweet potato in flower
Hemingway, South Carolina

Scientific classification














I. batatas

Binomial name

The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), commonly called a yam in the United States, is a crop plant whose large, starchy, sweet tasting tuberous roots are an important root vegetable. The young leaves and shoots are sometimes eaten as greens. The sweet potato is only distantly related to the potato (Solanum tuberosum). It is even more distantly related to the true yam (Dioscorea species) which is native to Africa.

The genus Ipomoea that contains the sweet potato also includes several garden flowers called morning glories, though that term is not usually extended to Ipomoea batatas. Some cultivars of Ipomoea batatas are grown as houseplants.

The plant is a herbaceous perennial vine, bearing alternate heart-shaped or palmately lobed leaves and medium-sized sympetalous flowers. The edible tuberous root is long and tapered, with a smooth skin whose color ranges between red, purple, brown and white. Its flesh ranges between white, yellow, orange, and purple.

The sweet potato is local to the tropical part of Americas, with there was tamed to turn at least in front.They spread very early in the process of district, including to add a Lei ratio.They and known use the Ni west of a mile before exploring western region second.How they arrived to have already got involved archeology tangibly, the language and the gene evidence a violent topic for arguing.

The sweet potato cultivates in the gentle region process of the tropical zone and the warmth now no matter where it is have an ample water to support their growth.

Cook use not

At South America, the red sweet potato juice liquid and the lemon juice are combined to do a kind of dyestuff as cloth.By change the comparison of the juice liquid, each one may acquire to the black to the purple color from the pink coolly.

All plants are partially used for to feed for the animal

Ethnomedical use

Air root's being used for is a galactogogue

The leaf is used for to treat diabetes, hookworm and bleeds, is swollen with Nong

Swell to use to treat asthma

二、The main ingredient-soap of the Mexican wild yam plain alkaloid

The function and chemistry type


It have the main composition of the physiology effect in the Mexican wild yam is one category the soap of the solid Chun hormone chemistry structure type plain alkaloid-diosgenin, its structure is alike to solid Chun hormone, so is widely taken by pharmaceutical industry to conduct and actions synthesize the raw material of the hormone(as yellow body vegetable, Gao solid Tong etc.) or the steroid product.

As for would it synthesize these hormones by oneself in the body The answer is negative, however, because its structure type and some hormone inside the body,such as yellow body vegetable, similar, so it will have parts of physiology effects to attend meeting and these hormone similar, basically, he and these hormones still a totally different ingredient, in the traditional therapy, the mountain medicine is often used to is the function that solves Jing and eliminates inflammation, mainly is applied in ache condition of illness for mentruation to come and become pregnant and may cause among the constringency of the womb the Yun distance of unsteady, stomach acute pain, Bi urethra ache, arthritis etc. alleviate a function.In recent years, the scientist enters upon a research a concerning the diosgenin clinical physiology activity, hoping the mountain medicine of traditional care result scientific.

Have cholesterol-lowering, prevent the result of the cardiovascular disease

The diosgenin can reduce cholesterol to absorb again a function, increasing gall of secrete, urge cholesterol is ejected easily the outside of the body, the diosgenin mainly is the density that reduces LDL(called bad cholesterol), going up a HDL(good cholesterol) density, for total the change of the cholesterol not big, besides, three sour glycerin esters will also descend, the diosgenin will also be in conjunction with a function with cholesterol-lowering medicine(Clofibrate) creation, making cholesterol owering result better.

The result of the anti- inflammation

The experiment manifestation done on rat's body, diosgenin usually for eliminate inflammation a pain reliever to cause of the stomach and intestines way ulcer has good prevention result, however have no science evidence to show him to have result of alleviate to the inflammation reaction that the arthritis causes, although this also can't say a tradition with the wild potato to conduct and actions alleviate the health care food of the arthritis is false, because of may be still have no scientist to make research to this!

The related effect of sex hormone

The diosgenin belongs to alkaloid, it cans be synthesized estrogen, yellow body hormone and has DHEA hormone of defending the old anti- oxygenation in the laboratory, therefore, a lot of health care food operator it is a hormone ex- quality to spread out it to have menopause of alleviate unwell, anti- aging etc. function, the animal experiment manifestation, it has already promoted mammary glands growth of function for alleviate unwell symptoms of the menopause obstacle and menstruation.

Protect a liver function

The diosgenin will increase the Lin fat of the liver cell membrane and the density of the cholesterol, such result can enhance live result of the interface of the liver cell, increasing the liquidity of the liver cell membrane, promoting an ability of arriving the antitoxin.

三、The main ingredient-Dan of the Mexican wild yam Sour

The function and chemistry type

Dan is rather sour is an astringency, bitter and astringent taste tie and precipitate the plant polyphenol of the protein.The term Dan is rather sour to speak of rather sour source of Dan to be used for basking black animal to hide into the leather; But, the provision Xiang any kind the big polyphenolic compound is applied for a group(like carboxyls) of including the ample Qian Ji and other appropriate to the form strong compound body and protein and other big numerators.The Dan is rather sour to have the molecular weight scope from to over .

The Dan is rather sour is usually marked to be divided into rather sour and concentrated Dan of the hydrolyzable Dan rather sour(proanthocyanidins).There are many Qian Ji compound carbohydrates at a center of numerator with rather sour hydrolyzable Dan.(usually D-glucose)The group of Qian Ji of the carbohydrate is partially or completely turned by ester with the group of Fen Quan like sons are sour(in the gallotannins) or the ellagic is sour.(in the ellagitannins) Hydrolyzable Dan is rather sour is been sour by the weak sour or weak base water solution production carbohydrate and the Fen Quan.concentrated Dan is rather sour, also calling proanthocyanidins, is joined by the carbon carbon bond, is not be subjected to easily by add the humidity solution is sliced open (or more) flavonoid compounds of the polymer of the unit.When the hydrolyzable Dan is rather sour concentrated with the most of Dan the rather sour water dissolve, some very greatly concentrated of the Dan is rather sour and can't fuse.

The Dan is perhaps rather sour the medicine is used for up in the antidiarrheal, hemostatic, with antihemorrhoidal compound.And, they cause the different color and the iron chloride(or blue, blue black, or green to green black) is rather sour according to the type Dan.

The gallotannins example is the ester Rou quality is sour to use a glucose, is found in many plant category leafs and bark up a voice.


Mexican wild yam's hasing the main ingredient of the physiology effect is one category the soap plain alkaloid – diosgenin of the solid Chun hormone chemistry structure type, it can be synthesized estrogen, yellow body hormone, and have DHEA hormone of defending the old anti- oxygenation, having a function of eliminate inflammation.
