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  • 售價: $1,000
  • 全館消費每100元贈2元回饋金


Another name:  RedKwaoKrua

Scientific namePueraria mirific

一、 Introduction:

1ButeaSuperba is the Thailand unique leguminous plant, grows middle

Thailand, eastern part, west and north in a local elevation 300~800meter forest, as well as Kanchanaburi province eastern area. The native calls it Kwao Kreu, the systematic name wild Kudzu root pueraria mirific.

2ButeaSuperba for the elder twin herb, is belongs to the papillionaceae the herbal

medicine, its characteristic is oneself itself is binds the big tree all around and the upward crawling cane. A branch has three piece of leaves. The flower assumes is one kind of light yellow orange color and grows in the spacious place. Its reproduction way is, the penetration seed and it separates the root carries on the reproduction. Its long shape velamen buries under the ground, the contour and the yam root is similar. But that long shape rhizome year after year growth, agglomerated at least 15 chemical elements, these elements belong to the linear chain organic acids direct chain organic acid, a kind of flavanone sterol, the sugar base class flavanone sterol glycoside, the sterol flavonoid and the sugar base sterol flavonoid glycoside.

3Species : Due to the dispersal habitat of the plant, many variety had been found. At least cultivars had been studied and selected for commercialized plantation and were named as Butea I and II.

4、Their root and the stem were considered may use for to help the increase masculine nature performance. Thus, this kind of plant is called the miracle medicinal herbs. Because the colorful purple riveting (Butea superba) may use for to help the promotion human body health, it is generally treated as for uses for to manufacture the drugs the raw material.

5Chemical properties : This herb exhibits some chemical closely related to that of the Pueraria mirifica herb but some chemicals are far more different. The crude extract of this herb showed some similar reaction to that of the male pill; Viagra. They show vasodilatation effects the same as in the Viagra Tablet. Its chemicals also promote energetic body without any nervous or muscular or cardiac over stimulation. This is the reason why this herbal product can be studied and promoted to be the herbal Viagra.

一、 Apply

The medicine reports pointed out that, 40 year old of above male has the natural function barrier to reach as high as 40%. But the red high plant's essence, may maintain the reproductive organ to the phosphoric acid two fat suppression abilities, strengthens the end blood vessel the circulation, helps the man to reconstruct the masculine self-confidence.

The red high extract includes the vegetative yellow ketones, is the active ingredient, may promote the reproductive organ to the natural impulse hydraulic governing ability.

三、 Research

Classification Because this kind of plant growth region is dispersible, has had the ornamental hairpin h variation variety. The manual cultivation variety after research and the choice carries on the commercial planter and is named for the colorful purple riveting I and the colorful purple riveting II.

Chemical analysis This kind of plant some chemical composition and

the wild Kudzu root are close, but certain chemical compositions differ very far.

This kind of plant withdraws the thing to be possible to cause with fortifies yang the response which the medicine - great elder brother is similar, its vasodilatation function and the great elder brother tablet is approximate. Its chemical composition may in not increase the nerve, the muscle and in the heart burden situation causes the human body in full vigour. This is why is this kind of plant product studied and by the reputation for the plant great elder brother's reason.

Although has the ornamental hairpin h side effect, even some possibly causes to die, treats positive withers with the premature ejaculation medicine or by the mass productions and the use. Relatively compares, the plant product like colorful purple riveting function more temperate, is safe, may the achievement better treatment choice.

In addition, our research discovered that, the colorful purple riveting product has two kind of forms, may take healthy food takes orally the absorption, also may partial spread like cosmetics such wipes the use.


The erection process starts from the nature stimulation in the cerebrum. Under the cerebrum stimulates in the nature has the nerve impulse, the impulse extends the spinal cord to pass on to the penis,the sponge body nerve release nitrogen monoxide. The nitrogen monoxidevery quick penetration cell enters the penis sponge bodyorganization, the nitrogen monoxide causes the cell to produce  has expands and relaxes the function.

The artery expands causes the penis hyperemia, the cell relaxes, erection organization's small fluid  opening, hyperemia.The penis 2 main cavities - sponges body is filled, the organization inflates. The erection organization  output vein bearing closure, causes the erection.

The artery [ above ] and the vein [ base ] penetrates and fills up the penis above and the under surface layer forms the sponge body as well as the sponge body. The erection occurs to when the permission massively comes fills from the artery blood in the sponge body corpus cavernosa feeds with the surplus blood filling by the artery, when vein blood discharging is stopped time.

The erection process stimulates a function to start in the brain from sex.The brain stimulates to excite under the creation nerve in sex, exciting to postpone spinal cord to spread to the penis, the sponge body nerve releases an oxidize nitrogen.Will enter the penis sponge body organization through the smooth muscle cell very fast while oxidizing nitrogen, on oxidizing nitrogen to make the cell produce , the  has already expanded with flabby function.

The artery expands to make the penis Chong blood, the smooth muscle cell is flabby, the small liquid Nang of the erection organization opens, Chong blood.2 main cavity-sponge bodies of the penis are been filled with, the organization inflate.The erection organizes an outside film to output vein is pressed a close, cause an erection.

Artery[ top] with vein[ bottom]broke through and fill with penis of the top and nether surface layer and become the sponge body and sponge body.The erection occurrence in be a smooth muscle to allow to come from artery in great quantities of the blood be filled with the language section database cavernosa in the sponge body to use to remain the Yu blood to fill to pack is fed by the artery to keep, be vein blood of exhaust is obstructed of time.

四、Analytical result


The internal structure of the penis consists of two cylinder-shaped vascular tissue bodies (corpora cavernosa) that run throughout the penis; the urethra (tube for expelling urine and ejaculation); erectile tissue surrounding the urethra; two main arteries; and several veins and nerves. The longest part of the penis is the shaft, at the end of which is the head, or glan penis.

The opening at the tip of the glans, which allows for urination and ejaculation, is the meatus.


An erection starts when you become sexually stimulated. Your nervous system sends chemical messages to your pelvic area. The smooth muscles inside your penis relax. The arteries widen. The corpora cavernosa, acting like a sponge, is filed with blood. In fact, the corpora absorbs up to eight times more blood than when your penis is flaccid. As your penis swells and lengthens, the filled corpora cavernosa presses against the veins. The pressure greatly reduces the blood flow from your penis. This keeps your erection firm enough for intercourse. When everything works the way it should, you will keep your erection for as long as you are sexually aroused.


"Normal Physiologic Mechanism Leading to Erection"

The process starts with the brain registering a sexual stimulus. The brain then orchestrates a cascade of nerve signals that run through the spinal cord to the penis. Here, the cavernosal nerves release nitric oxide, a gas that quickly penetrates the smooth muscle cells that form the penis' spongy tissue. The nitric oxide causes the cells to produce a substance called the cyclic guanosine monophosphate , which has an expansive relaxing effect. The arteries feeding the penis expand, and the smooth muscle relaxes, opening up tiny sacs in the erectile tissue that then swells with blood. The two main chambers of the penis, the corpus cavernosa, fill and the organ becomes so engorged that the veins that usually drain away blood are pressed shut against the tough outer membrane of the erectile chambers.

The result is erection.

However, nature, recognizing the disadvantage of having to experience a permanent erection, has provided the phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) enzyme that breaks down the .When the sexual signal decreases, the PDE5 levels supersede those of the declining levels and the erection returns to the flaccid state.

The PDE-5 enzyme is selectively and temporarily blocked by Butea superba. This allows o remain in high concentration and build-up in the corpus cavernosum. The end result is that blood will more easily fill the corpus cavernosum and, with the proper stimulation,erection is more easily achieved and maintained.

五、 Advantage

Because red and high the product that is natural, ignore is withdraw to make in to take orally a healthy product, or withdraw to make into cosmetics then the part uses in the body Cu skin daubery, will not be like western medicine-Viagra, producing side effect to the human body.
