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  • 售價: $30,000
  • 全館消費每100元贈2元回饋金


Name: Camellia
Genus: Camellia
Skill Level: Experienced
Exposure: Partial shade, Shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil type: Acidic, Moist, Well-drained/light
Height: 900cm
Spread: 800cm
Time to take cuttings: June to July

Models of Camellia

Camellia broadleaved

A evergreen shrub, which may grow to a height of 25 feet, but more often to 6 to 12 feet. It has a spread of 6 to 10 feet. The dark-green leathery leaves are 4 inches long. The flowers, which range in color from white to pink and red, are 3 to 5 inches in diameter. They flower on different varieties from September until April. The flowers may be single, semi-double, or double.

Camellia sasanqua

A broad-leaved evergreen shrub, varying in form from upright and densely bushy to low and spreading. Heights range from 1?to 12 feet tall. The leaves are dark green, shiny and about 2 inches long. They are usually darker green and smaller than the leaves of C. japonica or C. reticulata. The flowers are mostly white and single, 2 to 3 inches in diameter, and very fragrant.

Camellia oleifera

A large shrub to 20 feet tall with glossy, dark green leaves and fragrant, 2-inch-wide flowers in fall.

Camellia reticulata

Has some of the biggest and most spectacular flowers, but is a rather gaunt and open shrub, about 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide. This species is very susceptible to cold. Mild frost will kill the plant. C. reticulata hybridized with C. japonica or C. salvenensis results in excellent hybrids.

Camellia japonica

Typically large, thick glossy dark green.All varieties eventually grow to 10 feet or more, but with regular pruning most can be kept under 8 feet tall.
Azalea soil - acid, moist but well-drained and with plenty of humus.Plants will need some shade, particularly in the afternoon, but constant shade may severely reduce blooms.


Camellias is often the green broad-leaf bush or . The branch tan, the small branch assumes the green or the green purple to the purple brown. Colored both sexes, Chang Dan lives either 2-3 had been being born to the technique takes the peak or between. is extremely short or is not obvious, bud calyx 9-1 piece, arrangement, The flower , the flower petal 5-7 piece, assumes 1-2 turn of arrangement, the flowers diameter 5-6 centimeter, the color scarlet, the flower petal has concave or the gap, the base company produces a body to assume the Jan shape; The stamen is developed, reaches 100, the white or has blushes, the base company produces the tube shape, gathers the stamen, colored medicine golden yellow; Pistil growth normal, the ovary smoothly does not have the wool, 3-4 room, sole, 3-5 crack, is high.


Camellias grow very slowly. They can grow to be quite old. Some hundred-year-old plants may reach 25 feet high or more and as wide, but most gardeners can consider camellias to be 10-foot-tall shrubs. Many are even lower growing. C. sasanqua varieties are faster growing than C. japonica.


Camellias are used as specimen large shrubs, shrub borders and screens. The main ornamental feature is their showy flowers.


Camellias need well-drained soil rich in organic material for establishment. Because camellias are slow-growers, they are slow to get established. Competition for water is the one critical thing in establishment. They thrive and bloom best when sheltered from full sun and drying winds. Older camellia plants can thrive in full sun when they are mature enough to have their roots shaded by a heavy canopy of leaves.

Camellias can be planted any time of the year (preferably from mid-October to November and from mid-March to mid-April) provided they are properly planted and mulched and checked for water frequently. Camellias are shallow-rooted plants. They must be planted shallowly. It is recommended to dig a large, deep planting hole to cut the roots of neighboring trees, which will otherwise compete for water with the newly planted camellia. Also remove stones and break up heavy clay soils. Partially fill the hole with loose soil before planting the camellia shallowly.

Soil moisture should be conserved by using a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch. Camellias prefer a slightly acid soil and light applications of acid plant food may be used to maintain dark-green, attractive foliage. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label. Do not use more than called for. Burned leaf edges and excessive leaf drop usually indicate overfertilizing.

Some flower bud dropping may be a natural phenomenon. Many camellias set more buds than they can open. Bud drop can be caused by underwatering in the summer.

Camellias require very little pruning except for the removal of damaged branches and long shoots that detract from the attractive form of the shrub. Cutting back severely (no leaves left) can be done safely from Valentine Day to around May 1. Cutting out the dead and weak stems can be done anytime.


Camellia japonica varieties: Following is a list of C. japonica varieties that are old standbys. The listing specifies bloom season and flower size. The earliest types start blooming in November in the Low country, while late varieties still have flowers in May. Very large flowers are over 5 inches in diameter, large are 4 inches, medium are 3 inches, small are 2 inches or less across.

• dolphe Audusson? Midseason; very large; red.

• etty Sheffield Supreme? Late; large; red.

• erenice Boddy? Midseason; medium; light pink.

• aikagura? Early-late; large; rose-red.

• ebutante? Early-midseason; medium-large, pink.

• esire?- Midseason; medium large; pale pink.

• ramer Supreme? Midseason; very large; red.

• umasaka? Midseason-late; medium-large; pink.

• ady Clare? Midseason-late; large; dark pink; above-average cold hardiness.

• agnoliaeflora? Midseason; medium; pale-pink.

• athotiana? Midseason-late; very large; crimson.

• uilio Nuccio? Midseason; very large; rose.

• uccio Gem? Midseason; medium-large, white.

• ink Perfection? Early; large; pink.

• .L. Wheeler? Late; large; red.

• ev. John G. Drayton? Late; semi-double; carmine-rose.


Using the camellia extract fluid may the calm flesh and the anti-oxidized effect, can promote to produce the melanin the metabolism,and can help flesh regeneration, delay the aging, increasesthe flesh the elasticity and the gloss, lets beautiful white effectCanada ride, suits the sensitive frail flesh use.

lIncreases the flesh anti- oxidation ability

lremoves old waste

lreduces the pore

lstrengthens the flesh to guarantee the humidity

lincrease the skin nature gloss

Camellia Oil Character

lCamellia oil contains the vitamins, A, B, E. It also includes various minerals such as Phosphorus (P), Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), and Magnesium (Mg). a mix of nutritional vitamins and proteins to help maintain the nature of the skin, and to prevent formation of such skin disorders as wrinkles, spots, freckles, and acne.

lAccording to English imperial family free hospital medical school (The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine) With Cambridge University (University of Cambridge) Research, camellia tea (Camellia Sinensis - also known as tea) Has the auxiliary antibiotic (antibiotics) With kills the bacterium the effect.

The camellia tea may prevent some thin mold mushroom spawns (bacteria Strains) For example: Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus) The manufacture produces the resistance antibiotic protein (protein) . Some bacteria can a cell wall (cell wall) Strengthens arrives Keeps off the antibiotic, but the camellia tea may make the disturbance to this kind of response . In addition, researcher also discovered this kind of tea may kill one kind to be called "Staphylococcus aureus" Staphylococcus, this germ All has nearly to all antibiotics resists the ability, the medical arena called it is " Super bacterium " (superbugs) 。

Figure 9. Camellia japonica
Working Distance: 8 mm
Probe Current: 14
Mag. 1800x
This image show the very long and pointed apertures or culpi on this pollen grain. This is an equatorial view of the pollen grain, and its elliptical shape can be classified as Non angular - Elliptic - Truncate*. The surface of the pollen grain does not have an obvious pattern of any kind, and it does not have any outstanding sculptures, therefore its fine structure can be classified as granulate (which means that it looks granulated because its fine structure is too small to view even with the SEM).
Figure 10. Camellia japonica5
Working Distance: 39 mm
Probe Current: 6
Mag. 500x
This image shows a polar view of the pollen grains. It is clear from this image that there are three of the very long and pointed apertures equidistantly arranged along the equator of the pollen grain. This type of grain is therefore a trizonocolpate. The shape from its polar view is that of a triangle with rounded ends and I therefore classified it as Angular - Triangular - Obtuse - Convex*.

Camellia Oil

Camellia Oil takes from the source had been born in the subtropics region tree seed,Is the camellia seed after the oil press by . The camellia for is often green , after the procedure which the common camellia seed can play the role of fries again extracts oil,Plays the role of the oil color which fries more for a long time extracts to be deeper,Also the fragrance is thicker,But not prolonged fries the seed extracts a color paler oil,Comparatively does not have the fragrance,But the nutrition ingredient is higher.

Camellia Oil includes enriches the protein, vitamin A, E and so on,its nutritional value and to high temperature stability superiorly with to yellow soybean oil, even may compare favorably with with the Chinese olive oil phase, has the high anti- oxidized matter, lets the skin hair be at the good condition, can let the flesh adjustment and guarantee , the permeability is quick, can use to the whole body flesh it can form very thin protective film on the epidermis, preserves in the skin the moisture, protects the ultraviolet ray and air pollution to the flesh damage.
Camellia Oil may prevent the free radical production, the prevention gets older the dual effect causes the flesh to unfold the elasticity under, prevented because has exhaustedly caused the trace which spontaneous or the non- spontaneous function left behind is unable to eliminate.

Camellia Oil already used by mainland China and Japan's female many centuries, prematurely prevented the flesh to appear the wrinkle the nutritious oil used, simultaneously also was the hair is nutritious.

Essential Component

The mountain tea tree's periods of growth is long, summer thrives, winter blossoms, spring the result, autumn picks the seed. The oil then is refines from the seed, 100% is pure, naturally, moreover has absorbed throughout the year the nature essence, is well worth preciously. The camellia has the white, is red and golden yellow, by golden yellow variety most best quality goods, but PHY Camellia Oil then is only chooses seed of refinement the golden yellow camellia to become, therefore also may call is the best quality goods artificial flower with gold-foil oil.

It contains essential component

  1. Oleic acid neutral fat 86%
  2. Linoleic acid 4.5%
  3. Palmitic acid 7.4%
  4. Sterol 0.6%

lIngredient natural, easily by the skin absorption, the renewal cell, may resist the skin to get older the phenomenon.

lMay improve roughly has the wrinkle the skin, causes the skin to change carefully, young slides the rich elasticity.

lMay improve the sensitive skin, causes the flesh to change the health and a resistivity.

lMay soften and remove the face skin to be black, the acne, makes skin qualitative change smooth bright Ze.

l After may improve the black spot, the spot which the storm exposes to the sun brings about, and can desalinate spot India.

lHas effect which nutrition Run sends, may promote the hair growth and cause the white hair to transfer black.

lMay relax the belly ill feeling which and moisten brings about.
May moisten the lips and the lip grain which ruptures.
