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What is Aloe Vera?

It is one of the oldest known medical plants. 2,000 years of science and history.

Contains 75 nutritional compounds inc. minerals, amino acids & vitamins

Breaks down and digest dead tissues inc. Moisturizes tissues and might help to hasten healing.Tones, cleanses & might help heal digestive organs.Aloe Vera might help improve most skin problems.Animals & Humans can benefit from taking Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera Research:

Aloe Vera is an adaptogen. It adapts to the body’s needs promoting regenerative process – which means it can be used for conflicting conditions such as diarrhea and constipation.Aloe Vera is safe, non-toxic and offers no known side effects. The active constituents for aloe’s laxative effect are known as anthraquinone glycosides, which are converted by intestinal bacteria into aglycones. The active compounds responsible for aloe’s wound healing properties are less well-described but are likely a combination of several saccharide molecules. When the leaf is consumed, the high fiber content of the plant has been shown to exert beneficial effects on cardiac disease risk factors by reducing blood levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose.

Aloe Vera Definition:

There are nearly 200 species of this member of the Lily family, found in African deserts and the islands of Aruba and Barbados as well as propagating in many other locations that are warmer throughout the year – such as Texas and Costa Rican. Aloe Barbadensis is the specific type of Aloe Vera that is used for its healing properties of the 200 different species around the world. Since ancient times Aloe Vera has been used to treat burns and other skin conditions such as scrapes, sunburns and insect bites. Aloe is a common ingredient in cosmetics and lotions because it naturally balances the pH of the skin – which is due to its bolstering and balancing effect on the immune system. Internally, it has been used as a mild laxative and studies are being done on the use of aloe to enhance the immune system.

Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) contains hundreds of different ingredients, with the predominant ones being first water and second mineral salts. Most companies that process Aloe Vera for topical use in cosmetic formulas as well as in making natural supplements as a juice or freeze dried powder – most of the time using the whole leaf. However, all the research that has been done concerning the active ingredients in Aloe Vera have indicated that very little benefit comes from this whole leaf form of Aloe Vera, which is because the active ingredients do not remain stable in the whole leaf form. In fact, only the freeze dried forms of Aloe Vera gel that are minus the leaf have been found effective in terms of bolstering and balancing immune system response – with the Food and Drug Administration approving some forms of freeze dried Aloe Vera gel minus the leaf for the treatment of specific types of skin disease.

The leaf contains a thick gel-like liquid. The gel can be stripped from the leaf in order to eliminate the leaf which has a concentrated amount of mineral salts and enzymes in it. The active ingredient in Aloe Vera that supports healthy immune system function is a Mucilaginous Poly Saccharide Molecule (MPS), which is more specifically a long chain manose galactose molecule. Dr. David Wheeler’s MPS-GOLD 100 has been evaluated with a chemical assay, with the results demonstrating that the original molecule from the Aloe Vera plant remains intact. The fact is that Manose Galactose is a long chain sugar molecule and in most Aloe Vera products (all whole leaf Aloe Vera products) this long chain molecule has broken down and is no longer functional based on forming conjugates to interact with immune system cells.

Dr. Wheeler has found MPS-GOLD 100 as an Aloe Vera supplement to be one of the most effective natural supplements in the world for its beneficial effects on the immune system. According to Dr. Wheeler the functional benefit for the immune system from taking MPS-GOLD 100 orally every day has a profound healing impact on many different chronic diseases. Dr. Wheeler actually discovered MPS-GOLD 100 as an Aloe Vera supplement out of a need to resolve his own life threatening illness.


Three purified polysaccharide fractions designated as PAC-I, PAC-II, and PAC-III were prepared from Aloe vera L. by membrane fractionation and gel filtration HPLC. The polysaccharide fractions had molecular weights of 10,000 kDa, 1300 kDa, and 470 kDa, respectively. The major sugar residue in the polysaccharide fractions is mannose, which was found to be91.5% in PAC-I, 87.9% in PAC-II, and 53.7% in PAC-III. The protein contents in the polysaccharide fractions was undetectable. NMR study of PAC-I and PAC-II demonstrated the polysaccharides shared the same structure. The main skeletons of PAC-I and PAC-II are ß-(14)-D linked mannose with acetylation at C-6 of manopyranosyl. The polysaccharide fractions stimulated peritoneal macrophages, splenic T and B cell proliferation, and activated these cells to secrete TNF-, IL-1ß, INF-, IL-2, and IL-6. The polysaccharides were nontoxic and exhibited potent indirect antitumor response in murine model. PAC-I, which had the highest mannose content and molecular weight, was found to be the most potent biological response modifier of the three fractions. Our results suggested that the potency of aloe polysaccharide fraction increases as mannose content and molecular weight of the polysaccharide fraction increase.


The polysaccharides may have phosphate, acetyl group, carboxylic group, peptide, and lipid attached. The sugar composition of the polysaccharides might contain variable amounts of glucose, mannose, galactose, arabinose, and xylose. The linkages of the polysaccharides can be -, ß-, (12), (13), (14), or (16)-linkages. The polysaccharides are thus very diverse in their components and linkages except those derived from fungi and aloe. In fungi, the majority polysaccharide BRMs are ß-D-glucans and those from yeast are -D-mannan and glucomannan. Polysaccharide BRMs derived from aloe are mainly mannose polymer with ß-(14)-D linkage.

Although a lot of polysaccharide BRMs have been reported, there is little information regarding to the structure and potency relationship of the polysaccharides. Such relationship study is hindered by the very complex sugar compositions and linkages of the polysaccharides. However, aloe polysaccharides having simple sugar composition and linkage are ideal models for the studies of the structure and potency relationship. The simplicity of the polysaccharides makes the structure determination feasible, and then the studies between structure and potency can be performed. In this study, three purified polysaccharide fractions were prepared from Aloe vera. and were characterized chemically and biologically to delineate the effect of sugar content and molecular weight on the potency of the polysaccharide fractions.


Purification of polysaccharides in PAC50,Polysaccharides in PAC50 (see Materials and methods) were further separated by gel filtration. PAC50 was resolved into five distinct peaks by gel filtration high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Figure 1A). The yields of the fractions, calculated according to their polysaccharides, were 60%, 10%, 5%, 16%, and 9%. According to dextran standards, the molecular weight (MW) of PAC-I, PAC-II, PAC-III, PAC-IV, and PAC-V were 10,000 kDa, 1300 kDa, 470 kDa, 20 kDa, and 10 kDa. The purity of HPLC-separated polysaccharides were monitored by capillary electrophoresis (CE). There existed only one major peak in each capillary electropherogram of PAC-I, PAC-II, and PAC-III (Figure 1B), and each peak was close to symmetry.

Fig. 1. Purification of PAC50. (A) PAC50 was resolved into five peaks. PAC-I was the largest peak and represented 60% of PAC50. PAC-II represented 10% and PAC-III represented 5%.The molecular weights of PAC-I, PAC-II, and PAC-III were10,000 kDa,1300 kDa,and 470 kDa according to dextran standards.(B)Capillary electropherograms of PAC-I,PAC-II,and PAC-III. Sample of 20 µl at 200 mg/ml eluant(H3BO3-KOH,pH10) was electrophoresed at 200 V. Polysaccharide was detected by monitoring at optical density 254. Only one major peak was observed in each sample, and the peak was close to symmetry.

Composition analysis
The purified polysaccharide fractions contained nearly exclusively carbohydrate. The percentage of carbohydrate in PAC-I, PAC-II, and PAC-III were 98.30, 98.07, and 95.63. The protein content was undetectable in these polysaccharides. PAC-I and PAC-II shared similar monosaccharide composition and had about 90% mannose, 5–6% galactose, some glucose, and some arabinose. PAC-III had about 54% mannose, 33% galactose, 13% arabinose, and trace amounts of glucose

Fig. 2. Gas chromatograms of alditol acetates derived from sugar residues of PAC-I (A), PAC-II (B), and PAC-III (C). Polysaccharides were hydrolyzed and acetylated for GC-MS analysis. PAC-I and PAC-II were mannose rich, and PAC-III was mannose and galactose rich.

Carrington Patented Process Preserves the Beneficial Properties of Aloe:

High Performance Liquid Chormatography (HPLC)

In order to understand the true value and uniqueness of Carrington patented process, it is first necessary to identify exactly what constituents give fresh aloe its medicinal properties. Utilizing today technology, it is possible to identify the active compounds in plants like aloe by the application of several analytical methods or tools.

To pinpoint Aloe vera active constituents, a "fingerprint" of fresh aloe can be identified utilizing High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). This "fingerprint" illustrates the exact active medicinal structure of fresh squeezed aloe gel.

Carrington patented a method that would "freeze" this fingerprint and stabilize it in such a way that the active properties could then be delivered in a gel, lotion, or patch for external use; or a liquid, powder, or tablet for internal consumption.

Carrington team of scientists ultimately went on to isolate the bioactive properties in aloe gel and purified them in such a way that they can be delivered in an injectable form, which has provided stunning immune enhancing benefits in medical research models.

Remarkable Aloe – Nature’s Healer:

The Aloe Vera plant (Aloe Barbadensis Miller) is recognised as having many health promoting qualities when applied externally to the skin and taken internally. Modern research has shown that the pure inner gel of the Aloe Vera leaves contain over 200 constituents – including essential minerals, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids plus the unique Aloe Vera Polysaccharides.

Aloe Vera Polysaccharides:

Modern science has not been able to synthetically manufacture the Polysaccharides in Aloe Vera. They are unique to the Aloe Vera plant and provide the basis for many of the out-standing results to the body both internally and externally


Aloe Vera has a very long history:

The original reference to Aloe being used as a medication dates back to prescriptions from Sumarian physicians found on clay tablets which are dated back to 2100 BC, before the Christian era.Historically, the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Chinese used this plant prolifically to cure such ailments as burns to the skin, eczema’s, indigestion, diseases of the stomach and bowel – used both internally and externally.

1. Moisturisation & Cohesion:

Most of the moisture in the skin comes from the deep inner dermis layers and goes out to the exterior through the skin. if you could create a barrier of some sort and lesson the amount of water which is leaving. Then skin would remain moist for a longer period of time. The polysaccharides in Aloe create this moisture barrier in the skin.

2. Penetration & Absorption

In independent laboratory studies it is proven that by using Aloe in a product instead of water achieve 3 times the penetration and absorption. Grace cosmetics understands this, meticulously combining other natural and botanical nutrients into its formulations for the best results on skin.

3. Anti-Inflammatory:

Testing has proven the reduction of pain, swelling and redness associated with sprains and strains, as well as acne and a variety of other skin blemishes.

The Immune Enhancing Effects of Aloe:

Beta-glucomannans are a class of very long chain sugars derived from plants, which have been shown in laboratory and clinical studies to have a wide variety of immune stimulating and protective effects within the body. In studying the different sources of this polymer, it has been discovered that the aloe barbadensis plant contains the greatest concentration of acetylated polymannans, which is also the most active form of mannans. These long-chain complex polysaccharides are often called beta-glucomannans, mucopolysaccharides or Acemannan. These aloe polysaccharides have been shown to have many effects in the body, mostly impacting the gastrointestinal and immune systems, which are intricately related. Before elaborating on their beneficial effects, it is appropriate to discuss the type of pathology often present in individuals experiencing immune system depression.

The most striking commonality found in individuals suffering with immune depressive conditions such as Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic candidiasis, HIV infection and others, is the high incidence of digestive dysfunction and maldigestion. This has several effects that contribute to stress on the immune system and weakening it.

Maldigestion means that the consumed food is not properly broken down into the elemental building blocks needed for the body to rebuild itself and to generate energy for metabolism. This results in a type of starvation at the cellular level, with all tissue suffering malnourishment and therefore decreased effectiveness of all internal chemical processes.In animal experiments, Aloe vera gel clearly promotes the healing of minor burns and small wounds. Aloe vera juice or encapsulated powder result in reduced intestinal transit time. In heart disease patients, aloe vera leaf, added to the diet, reduced total serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides, fasting and post prandial blood sugar levels. As a topical agent for minor skin irritations (cuts, burns, and sunburn) aloe vera gel is an effective treatment to reduce pain and inflammation and speed wound healing. Be sure to select the freshest gel available, as prolonged storage of gel products can result in appreciable loss of the wound healing properties. As an internal (oral) agent, aloe vera juice or powder is an effective laxative.

The Constituents

The various constituent elements found in Aloe Vera include :

Vitamins : Beta-carotene, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6,Vitamin E, Choline.

Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Potassium, Zinc, Chromium, Chlorine.

Amino Acids : Lysine, Threonine, Valine, Methionine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Phenylaianine, Tryptophane, Histidine, Arginine, Hydroxy Proline, Aspartic acid, Serine, Glutamic acid, Proline, Glycerine, Alanine, Cystine and Tyrosine.

Anthraquinones : Aloin, Isobarbaloin, Barbaloin, Cinnamic acid,Emodin, Aloe Emodin, Ester of Cinnamic acid, Anthracene, Antranol, Aloetic acid, Ethereal oils, Resistannols and Crysophanic acid.

Mono and polysaccharides : Cellulose, Glucose, Mannose, Galactose, Aldonentose, L-rhamnose, Uronic acid, Xylose, Glucuronic acid and Arabinose.

Enzymes : Oxidase, Amylase, Catalase, Lipase and Alinase.

Applications / Uses : The important therapeutic uses of Aloe Vera include
