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  • 售價: $14,400
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一、 Introduction:

Nickname:An tree

Scientific term: Eucalyptus Polybractea

Department:Peach gold Niang section

Belong to: The An belongs to

Main habitat:Australia


Often green plant, have a periodic and old leaf to shed off phenomenon in a year.Most kinds are high and big tall trees, the minority is a small tall tree, presenting the bush form of few.The tree hat shape has a spire form, several forms and hangs a form etc..The single leaf, whole good luck, the Ge quality, is sometimes had one layer thin wax quality.The leaf can be divided into the leaf of You Tai, middle leaf and mature leaf three type, most leafs of You Tai is to get, smaller, the heart form or Kuo cover with a needle form


Most is the Asian hot plant. The happy light, good is wet, the drought resistance, resists heat. Fear cold, is very sensitive to the low temperature. Some origins to tropics, not ability 0 below low temperatures; Some kind of original growths in warm climate region,ability -10 low temperature. Can the growth in each kind of soil,the most kinds already be able to adapt the acid soil, also can adapt the alkaline soil, but most is suitable the soil for fertile flushes

the fill.

Extract part: Leaf

Extract method: Steam

二、 Especially Gallie leaf's application:

All eucalyptus trees approximately have about kinds, all originally produces to Australia. At the present successfully transplants to world each place, the achievement most abundant is in the central Asia, North Africa and California. Now especially Gallie nearly has become an evil in the California locality, threatens to many primary tree seeds. The whole says, the subtropics only have in the area has certain tree seeds to be able to survive. The

eucalyptus tree is long quickly both and is high as old meters, Australia has a tree it is said is in the world non- pine and cypress class highest tree. The ever green eucalyptus tree is the rubber fallow-tree which knew very well, because its bark can flow out the fragrant resin. But includes the drop drop volatile oil is its leaf blade, Tass Asia's blue rubber especially Gallie EglobuIus most has the curative effect.

The small tree's leaf is the circular, the silver-white color, after but grows up can turn the long cedar circular, usually for deep ash cyan color. The blue rubber flower the heart jar which flicks off like the cover, exposes the fragrant white stamen. In 1854, Australia started to distill the volatile oil to make the commercial production, after from now on Australia was rich in this kind of plant with other the country continuously continually to produce especially the Gallie volatile oil. Concerns this kind of volatile oil the antibacterial sterilization, first was by Germany's Carlo Egypt (Cloiez), this Si especially (Faust), the Dutch plum you (Homeyer) doctor proposes thereport.

They especially the Gallie volatile oil will list as the diaphoretic,the stimulant, the anti- mucous membrane inflammation medicinal preparation and the astringent, will use in all respiratory system problem, such as bronchitis, flu, asthma and cough. These attributes until now still widely the person knew, many France's prescription drug and the market cold medicine all included especially Gallie.

Folk remedy volatile oil especially Gallie


Colorless or faint yellow easy mobile liquid. Has the eucalyptus leaf element the characteristic fragrance, a little camphor and medicinal herbs breath. Has the cool taste.


The water used vapor from blue

(EucalyptusglobulusLabill) or contains the eucalyptus leaf element certain camphor tree varieties leaves, in withdraws the volatile oil, again passes through purifies the processing system.

The volatile oil origin and the characteristic showed that,

The small tree's branches and leaves may distill this kind of volatile oil. The tree age slightly long may produce more volatile oil, the fragrance quality quite is also fine. The volatile oil assumes the mobile liquid state, the luster is limpid light yellow. The fragrance is fresh, has the joy person's balsam taste.

Especially the Gallie volatile oil may divide into three kinds:

(1) for medicinal purposes volatile oil: Includes the massive phenol, mostly extract bluegum, bluemalee, narrow-leavedpeppermint and grllygum.

(2) industrial used volatile oil: Mainly includes piperitone and phellandrene, takes from pepperminteucalyptus, greypeppermint and broad-leavedpeppermint.

(3) the spice uses the volatile oil: Mainly includes citronellel, such as lemon-scentedeucalyptus.

Essential component:

The eucalyptus oil is mellow (eucalyptol) to account for,but also has each kind of aldehyde, the alkone, time partly blesses mellowly with blesses the alkene. Especially Gallie approximately includes two kind of different ingredients, is extremely difficult

to synthesize.


Treatment especially Gallie has the force the antibacterial function,the volatile oil which is treats when cold, flu, bronchitis, mucous membrane inflammation and viral infection most receives welcome, the application method very are also many. When as inspiration medicinal preparation, joins three drop of volatile oil in bowl hot water, attracts the steam five minutes, every day attracts three to four;Also may in the handkerchief the addend drop, often the inspiration;Or in hot water bath addend drop; The well distributed milliliter soybean oil,drop of wheat plumules oil with drop of especially Gallie oil, massages the body and the abdomen, one day massages three time.

This kind of oil also is suitable for the nerve aspect problem, is weary, as well as sick body's convalescing. Massage paper bone spot (back underneath), solar plexus and hand back, on first several times.

May take the nervous system the stimulant.

The rheumatism uses especially the Gallie volatile oil, also has the good effect, another kind of common especially Gallie commodity is the massage , mixes the above foundation, but alters to drop of especially Gallie volatile oil drop of especially Gallie volatile oil and drops of hundred mile fragrant volatile oil.

Especially the Gallie leaf also may treat the cold and the flu. Joins in milliliters boiling waters milliliter dry leaves, soaks ten minutes. If likes, coca some honey, one day at least drink six to eight cups of this kind of medicinal herbs teas. This kind soaked especially the Gallie leaf's hot water also to be possible to put in the public place or the hospital ward the achievement smokes the medicinal preparation. Turlogh Chinese zither Si (Trosus) doctor does the research demonstrated that, especially Gallie has falls the blood sugar the effect, therefore he uses especially Gallie to treat the hypertension and the diabetes. He said that, the light is drinks especially the Gallie leaf to soak the juice to be able to cause in the urine the sugar share to fall to the normal level.

Volatile oil special characteristic:

Stops pain, the sterilization, the disinfection, the anti- virus, the sterilization, calmly, presses to heal, to stop the perspiration, is clean, the diuresis, the phlegm, allays a fever, kills the insect, drives the insect, to govern the wound, the elimination hyperemia, the prevention disease.

Use matters needing attention:

The Gallie volatile oil function is especially intense, therefore must carefully control the dosage, contracts the hypertension or the epilepsy person best avoids using it.

Volatile oil security:

When external use and non-toxic, does not stimulate, cannot cause the allergy, but cannot serve as takes orally, the memoir pointed out so long as then fatal, must be careful.

Volatile oil on skin application:

May use in the measles situation, for example: Soaks when the measles,the skin burns, after causes the oil used Gallie oil to be possible to prevent the bacterium produces and possibly the fresh suppuration situation, and may assist the organization cell regeneration,situation and so on knife wound, abrasion, ulcer and inflammation alsomay use it.

Other uses:

May make the medicinal ointment, the toothpaste, the mouthwash, the spice, moreover also may use to make the scented soap, the cleanser and the perfume.

Suits the mix the volatile oil:

lemon, pine tree, musk, styrax, Hu K'uei,coriander... And so on.

三、 Especially Gallie leaf's ingredient:



Corilagin (=Gallotannin)

四、Especially Gallie leaf's cosmetology effect:

May have the wound the skin, has the sterilization, restrains,antibacterial and so on the effect, can relax the skin part inflammation the phenomenon, especially Gallie leaf itself has the neat touch, suits the leaning greasy very much flesh as well as the sensitive acne perhaps the surface butcher flesh use, may adjust the skin the PH value, causes the skin maintenance to the good condition.



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