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  • 售價: $19,200
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一、 Introduction:

white kidney bean

Cannellini Beans the name of Italian

And then: White Yun bean

The biology nameds to spend string bean more, because the assortment is diverse and get

Scientific term:phaseolus coccineus L.,P.multiflorus willd

Characteristic:Belong to the bean section, the Die form spends a second section, the string bean clan string bean belongs to


The white Yun bean produces the tropical region in South America at first, behind was tamed by the artificial cultivation to turn to have already adapted cold and cool and damp plateau district.Planting the bigger nation of area is the Argentina, the United States, Mexico of Americas, Europe of England, Asia of China, Japanese etc..Each province District of Chinas all have already planted, the area bigger province is Yunnan, expensive state, Szechwan etc., and the great reason, Li river, the Lan ping of Yunnan plant area to compare greatly.

Function use:

The white Yun bean withdraws the thing is used in the medical science blood cell to glue the film and animal heredity analysis top development chromosome now have to of the material Ning blood plain PHA.(can promote mammal the white cell contain the preface abruption, the red corpuscle Ning gathers)The Yun bean egg white that has in the white Yun bean is a kind of natural starch depressant, its result withdraws in the better than wheat and another farm crop.It mainly is used in the treatment obesity, is a kind of evangel doubtless to the diabetic.

The Cannellini beans is the Italian of the White Kidney beans(white waist bean), is a cent species of the Phaseolu vulgaris(string bean).The vulgar of the Phaseolus vulgaris has Common beans, Kidney beans, the Snap beans(the food Jia string bean)...etc. generally, Chinese is called the green bean or string bean.

The string bean is since then probably evolved by the Wild beans(wild bean), by print a ground of Anne's person to tame something to turn.The white waist bean is then immigrated by Argentine Italy grow, bring to return Italy afterwards.Now the white waist bean is in global everyplace cut to grow extensively is business crops.In a western meal, the white waist bean is often used to the sand Lyu(salad) with the material of the meal soup.

Bean(for example the green bean, red waist bean and white waist bean)-these beans have one specific name as the natural toxin of"the plant blood cell Ning gather a vegetable(phytohaemagglutinin)".Ate to have the bean(some beans that haven't yet to cook or didn't cook) of this kind of toxin, can lead in a short time(1-3 hours) with the result that food poisoning, the sufferer will is disgusting, vomit etc. is with diarrhea condition of illness.There is research to point out in addition, cook these beans to go to 80 °C or so, will raise the toxicity in the bean, because of some, don't thoroughly cooked bean than do not cook of the bean is more poisonous.However, as long as chase the bean permeance, and cook thoroughly by the boiling water heat, can break this kind of poisonous material then.The can bean is through exhaustive heat processing because of needing not to once more cook then safe edible.

二、 Reduce weight a research of white kidney bean:

Grow in all aspects thick rain forest in South America the white waist bean of the deep, be these white waist beans to drop in the ground of the forest, become the food of the reptile and the Nie Chi animal in many natures, and don't behave to know., The scientists who study the reptile and the Nie Chi animal find that eat in great quantities the animal of this bean, and never eat the same kind animal of this white waist bean, its weight eases a lot obviously, a beginning the scientists didn't reduce weight to put to be studying a point,

they hope to find out to take place this kind of phenomenon only of reason.There is major detection through long-playing research and unexpectedly afterwards, hence the beginning will study a center of gravity to put in the aspects of reducing heavily

Exist in there is a kind of"the anti- is nutrimental" in the white waist bean would make the weight ease, studying finally for several years through research this kind of repress enzyme"the anti- nourishment" be called Phaseolamin.At on starting most researchers' interest to the Phaseolamins, tool been only to take it as to resist diabetes, didn't reduce weight to put in the mind.

But, finds the result that this ingredient also does good to reduce a weight unexpectedly and surprisedly.

The fat reason is a body to take too many carbohydrate foods, and the liver and muscle only can be saving a small part of, the body will secrete more insulins, urging carbohydrate into cell, with fat of the form store, what is worse the insulin will orderany the fat cell to wrap tightly the fat, with as for the fat that the cell saves releases to go out not easily, this also is why eat too many persons of sugar food easily the obese and the fat metabolism rate bad, body of the metabolism efficiency isn't enough, can't consume surplus of calories.

And when the body takes too much carbohydrate(starch) food, the body blood sugar will start rising, will stimulate pancreas to secrete insulin then to reduce blood sugar, human body so will feel hungry, is a blood sugar to reduce cause.But the waist bean vegetable can combine with the starch of the human body, repressing its activity, the starch will not resolve quickly is absorbed by the human body for the single carbohydrate, the speed of the blood sugar rising reduces slowly, the human body isn't hungry, the nature can reduce meaningless calories absorption.

The white waist bean is among them a kind of natural food to have a kind of protein material Phascolamin ingredient and would break sugar enzyme, can't make carbohydrate convert a glucose, and will not have the calories of the surplus, so will not become fat.

Can separate the starch quality and the absorption of the sugar effectively, reduce fat to store thus, attain to the weight reduction to reduce heavy result.

三、Important ingredient :


The protein is a kind of complicated organic big numerator compound.Along with the modern age physics, chemistry of develop continuously, more and more proteins acquired a pure crystallize.According to element analysis, in addition to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, usually still have a little amount nitrogen and the sulphur.Parts of proteins still have a little bit other elements, mainly is the Lin, iron, copper, iodine, zinc and Mu etc..These elements occupy in the protein constitute of comparison BE:The carbon occupy , hydrogen about to occupy , oxygen about to occupy , nitrogen about to occupy , sulphur about to occupy about with other little elements.

The protein is most basically a life to constitute one of the parts, is one of the biochemical main research objects.


The protein is been sour by the An Ji to pass The key has the preface conjunction and many s of the formationChain.The basic unit of the protein is the An Ji is sour, the An Ji sour ammonia Ji and Zui Ji Suo become after matching lose a waterKey, constituted by three or three Can Jis with sour above An JisBe called many sThe formation has another Chain.

The numerator structure of the protein can divide the line to four classes:

One class structure:Constitute many sThe line An Ji of the chain sour sequence.

Second class structure:Depend on different The C of the key=the stable structure of the hydrogen key formation of the O and the N-H Ji regiment.

X-rated structure:By a many sThe stable structure that the interaction of the different An Ji sour side chain of the chain becomes.

Four class structure:By much more different The chain second Ji the interaction formation has the protein numerator of the function.

A the class structure depends on the covalence key maintenance that turns to record to become in the process.Fold formation high one class structure through a protein.Particular many sThe chain may have more than a stable Gou types, each Gou types all have an own the particular living creature activity, only having among them a kind of have a natural activity.

The second class structure includes α helix, the β fold, the β turn corn with have no rule curl.

If subdivide further, the second class structure includes the super and second class structure and structure area with of the x-rated structure still.

The super and second class structure(the super-secondary structure) means close together some and second class combinations of the second class structure that the structure(usually is the α helix and β to turn corn) each other interaction formation has regulation, is the components that constitute x-rated structure.

The structure area(the structual domain) means the second class structure or super and second class structure constitutes of the part of the x-rated structure fold district.

The x-rated structure overwhelming majority can be categorized in these four:Whole α structure, whole β structure, the αβ mixture structure with enrich structure with metals or two sulphur keys.

Four class structure point many sThe interaction of of the chain.


The protein is usually been divided into dissolubility, the fiber form or film combine egg white.(see also the integration film egg white)Almost all living creature catalysts, namely It is all protein.(20 century later period, people find a certain RNA sequence also has the catalyst activity)The transport structure and the ion channel combined with film, can transfer to the bottom thing from a position another position and don't change them;Be subjected to a body, usually also don't change their bottom thing, is the shape and the bottom thing that changes a self to combine only;And antibody, see to seem to be to only combine function;All of these are the proteins.End, the composing cell framework and animal are greatly part of structural of the fiber material is also a protein:The gum constituted skin, hair and cartilages with the corn egg white at first;The muscle is greatly part of is also constituted by protein.

The environment of its surroundings for protein is very fastidious.They only within the scope of a pimping pH and have to keep their live or natural appearance in the aqua of a little amount electrolyte, many proteins can't be existed in distilled water in.

The protein lost its natural appearance to be called to change sex.Become sexual protein usually in addition to random curl have no other second class structure.The protein that is placed in natural appearance usually all folds.


Catalyst.An important function of the protein is the living creature catalyst,

Adjust.Some proteins have a function of adjust to the metabolism in the living creature body, for example, insulin.

Conveyance.Some proteins have the function of the conveyance metabolism material, for example, ion channel.

Store.A great deal of protein in the seed is the storage that uses to come to Meng to deliver a hour.

Exercise.Benefit,such as muscle egg white, .

Structure.For example hair, etc..

Other, guard against for example, take the offensive an etc..For example there is a great deal of protein to participate in the mankind's immunity process.

The protein can be used

Produce energy, but they have to be converted to become some common metabolism mediums first.This process demand takes off an ammonia, a kind of material with very big toxicity.The ammonia is converted into urea in the liver, the toxicity dies down, is arranged into the urine.Another some animals convert the urea as uric acid.

The protein is the essential ingredient of the animal meal, developing to the pass importance to the growth and the organization, it can take from the meat, fish, egg, milk and the bean food.

The protein lacks of to usually involve dietetics, is the hungry and the malnutrition of national people in the third world particularly.Even in the developed nation for example the United States, this is also a healthy factor that is ignored.Because the pressure of the society causes to reduce.

Fatty hour, the food is depended on in carbohydrate seriously, being in need of essential the An Ji is sour.Protein's lacking of can with the result that disease, for example tired, the insulin bears to be subjected to, taking off hair, the hair drops a color(should be a black hair to change into red), the muscle weight eases(the protein can repair muscular tissue), the body temperature is low, hormone maladjustment.Serious protein's lacking of will be fatal.

The protein is excessive and will also cause problem, for example the horse turns over to pour due to the problem of the feet.

The chief culprit that usually causes to a certain food allergy and the allergy is usuallya protein.Because each protein of the structure has slightly dissimilarity, some proteins will cause some reactions of immune systems, and a little bit other very safe.Many persons all to a certain protein in the peanut, perhaps the protein of the molluscs or other seafoods is allergic, but few someone to all these are three kinds of all allergic.

The plant protein will use a great deal of body calories to consume, so eat much and can also increase own satisfied foot feeling.And the protein need the vitamin Bs to make a conversion, so at the edible protein add a food, the suggestion matches with the vitamin Bs, will make the protein develop to the biggest effect.

The protein is in the middle, again the plant protein is better to human body, among them, the soybean refine of protein, more can't because the human body constitution causes to arrange his sex, so suggestion want to add protein, make choice of purchase to suit an own protein, in order to prevent spend money and harm a body.

四、 Research:

The string bean grows to probably have 40,000 specieses, among them probably have no Ning to gather a vegetable.Was found and was studied at the earliest stage among them the most very clear Ning gathered a vegetable, coming from a red waist bean(the Red Kidney beans), being called the plant blood Ning vegetable(Phyto-hemagglutinin), calling PHA.

The PHA is an egg white that has four units(tetrameric), weight about 118 kDAs.

Time the unit be divided into two kinds of, a kind of Ning gathers red corpuscle to be called E,

another Ning gathers a leukocyte to be called L.Both the different comparison is hybrid, producing five kinds of gather a vegetable(isolectins) with Ning.

In addition to four units, there is report to mention other modes that the red waist bean Ning gathers a vegetable equally, as double the unit(dimer) or three Ning of the units(trimer) form gather a vegetable.

Study a purpose

The white waist bean is a species that isn't studied in the string bean.The Ning gathers the vegetable contain a lot of good uses, for example anti- fungi, anti- insect, anti-cancer, the immunity adjust etc..So I want in the white waist bean to lift pure Ning to gather a vegetable, seeing whether it has enough effect or not, also in order to and red waist the leguminous PHA compare.

Suggest the pure method and result

For lifting the Ning of the solid white waist bean to gather a vegetable, use a following method.

42 white waist bean of the grams soak to stay overnight in the distilled water first, then the Gao is ground and filter.Extract a liquid to take into again to leave a heart processing.

The Tris-Cl is added into suspend a liquid(supernatant) to win, the density reaches to a 10 mMs.In order to sticking to spending high and hard lift purely, so I will extract a liquid to open a sparse half to be used with supply.

Extract a liquid is added into the CM-Cellulose analysis column, make the cation commutation color layer analysis(the cation exchange chromatography).

The part there been Ning to gather the vegetable activity is added into the Affi-gel blue gel analytical column in, make the affinity color layer analysis(the affinity chromatography).

Then is added again to analyze column into the CM-Sepharose in.

The Ning gathers the vegetable and the anti- fungi ability test to inspect to lift pure process in order to.As previous say, after will make characteristic analytical.

Extract a liquid in the pH 7 of the 10 mM Tris-Cl aqua, adsorb(adsorb) up the CM-cellulose on.Have the part of the activity at same 250 mM brine within aqua wash away dirt(elute) and take off to attach(desorb) out.The part had an activity is taken off salt(desalt) with jelly dry(lyophilized).

Then adsorb up the Affi-gel blue gel in same aqua on.Have the part of the activity at same 250 mM brine within aqua wash away dirt and take off to attach.The part same had an activity is taken off salt and freezes dry.

Then adsorb up the CM-Sepharose in same aqua on.Have the part of the activity at same 800 mM brine within aqua wash away dirt and take off to attach.

The following is Chien's form that lifts pure process, the white waist bean Ning gathers a vegetable in the process is lifted purely over %.

The following is Chien's form that lifts pure process, the white waist bean Ning gathers a vegetable in the process is lifted purely over.

But, because of only the egg white rest of the few milligrams(mg) come, so hard carry on the experiment of the rest.

The characteristic studies

ested following characteristic:

Uses the weight that the SDS-PAGE measuresed Ning to gather a vegetable.

Extract a thing is used to a temperature stability, sour alkali stability, carbohydrate to repress a function(the sugar inhibition) to adsorb a test(the metal binding sites analysis) with metals.

As in times before say, I tested the anti- fungi function of the sample equally.

In the SDS-PAGE, the Ning that comes from a white waist bean gathers a vegetable to display two tapes that distinguish for the 31 kDas and the 28 kDas.This should be two time units that the Ning gathers a vegetable.

Because if the Ning of the white waist bean gathers the words that the vegetable has four units equally, then the total weight of the egg white is 118 kDas, with come from the PHA of the red waist bean similar.

For the sake of the test temperature stability, I will extract the liquid bubble in the pond of different temperature, each 30 minutes.The Ning gathers the activity of the vegetable to keep stable under 30 °C, then reduces, losing an activity above and completely in 80 degrees.

For testing a sour alkali stabi

lity, I add the buffer of the different and sour alkalinity into extract a liquid in, total 30 minutes.The Ning gathers the activity of the vegetable at the sour alkali is worth(pH) to 3 of time the most strong, at the sour alkali be worth low in two, or high in five of time reduce.

In the carbohydrate repress the function(the sugar inhibition) test extract a thing is plused the carbohydrate aqua of[with] different dilution degree, then carry on the blood cell Ning to gather a test.I tested 13 kinds of samples of carbohydrates, but had no a kind of function that can repress the blood cell Ning to gather.

We know that the PHA of the red waist bean can't be repressed by any single carbohydrate(the simple sugar), seeing come to the white waist bean Ning to gather the vegetable contain same property.

For testing metals to adsorb(the metal binding sites analysis), I will have the aqua of different ion to join to extract a liquid in, total 30 minutes.But could not see ion to gather the activity of the vegetable to produce any influence to the Ning.

We know that the calcium(Ca) ion and the manganese(Mn) ion to the activity of the red waist bean PHA is have to.

In the anti- fungi function test, I tested five types of fungis to grow.The fungi is entered the potato carbohydrate development Ji(the potato dextrose agar) of the petri dish circle disc by the Zhi.10 tiny the sample risen(microliter) be added into leave the fungi Zhi edge the paper of one the Li rice make a small circle dish in.Take seriously the germ growth, there is the flank of the sample of the anti- fungi activity after touching a dish rest a meniscus of without the fungi area.

However, the samples all didn't become to repress phenomenon obviously.

Is the red waist bean PHA and the white waist bean Ning to gather a vegetable as follows of comparison.They have the weight, carbohydrate of the likeness to repress a function, also having no anti- fungi function.

Follow a work

As in times before say, gather the amount of prime number shortage due to the Ning obtained, so the most important now is obtain more Nings to gather a vegetable.Lifting the pure procedure can be repeated, being to acquire after more Ning gather a vegetable, the following work can continue:

Can use the size exclusion chromatogrphy to the certain egg white weight, gather a vegetable by the certain white waist bean Ning actually whether four units of.Can also study a sour sequence(the N-terminal sequence) of the An Ji of the white waist bean, gather the vegetable comparison with the Ning of other specieses.

I can also test the white waist bean Ning to gather whether vegetable can stimulate the abruption function of the rat spleen cell or not, with whether can repress some cancer cells to increase to get.

Is a summary, withdrew Ning to gather a vegetable from the white waist bean, have and the PHA of the red waist bean likeness of weight, but still need further one certificate.

The Ning of the white waist bean gathers a vegetable to have following characteristic:

Its activity reduced from 30 °C beginning, disappearing completely to the back of 80 degrees.

Activity under the environment that sour alkali is worth to 3 the most strong, the sour alkali value is low in 2 or high reduce at 5:00.

The activity is also free from carbohydrate to repress.



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